Hi .....cud ny1 plz let me know the source code to

send message from one computer to any of the computers within one workgroup or any other ......plz note that i do not want sending e mail concept .........

like we have net send command to send messages to any computer from a particular computer ...so this is the concept which I want to build in asp.net with C#........

Thankx n tk cre

Hey neer,

very good question you have asked , even I would like to implement that in ASP.Net with C#. I have found a tool call " NET SEND Plus" I have attached the source Code files of that here, you can go throught the source code files. By using this you can send message from one computer to another computer without email. I have not use this till now but please let me know once you complete that.

With Best Wishes.


Hi .....cud ny1 plz let me know the source code to

send message from one computer to any of the computers within one workgroup or any other ......plz note that i do not want sending e mail concept .........

like we have net send command to send messages to any computer from a particular computer ...so this is the concept which I want to build in asp.net with C#........

Thankx n tk cre

I also use NET SEND function same as like
I maintain all IP addresses and users in SQL table.

hi.........actually ....i have to display a list of IP addresses from a selected workgroup and also have to show that which machine is ON and which one is OFF .....this all is gonna be displayed in a Gridview....plzz if ny1 can ...then wud be lot of helpful ......thnkx in advance

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