in my pop up window if user want to go parent window only by cancel button or submit ,
in this way i use all attributes"pharma_finance_master_bank_add.jsp?ma="+ma+"&gr="+gr+"&na="+na+" " ,"mywindow",
		"height=400, width=600,titlebar=0,resizable=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,scrollbars=0,status=0");

but i can't disable the X (close) on the top right, could u plz help me regarding this


You can't disable the close button in a popup. It's part of the browser; a webpage rightfully can't assume control over all aspects of the browser.

Reorganize your logic so that it isn't an issue, or use a "popup div" instead ( i.e. ).

commented: Nice link, didn't know this can be done so easily +9

it will be possible
by put titlebar is 0 or no in open.window
i did it but not working some problem

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