Hi all, Sorry to bother u all, I think i previously post about the quiz script, and i read and research abit here and there,

anyway i manage to write some but found some difficulties,especially about random generator..

I have this several 'set' of question and answer, and i like to view'em random
(e.g: refresh---> What is 1+1=?...with option n aswers, refresh---> What is 1+1=?...with option n aswers, refresh---> What is

1+1=?...with option n aswers, ...etc)

questionarray[0]  ='What is 1+1=?.' 
answer[0]  ='1' 
Adistract[0]  ='2' 
Bdistract[0]  ='22' 
Cdistract[0]  ='11' 
Ddistract[0]  ='0'  
questionarray[1]  ='what is the color of the sky?.' 
answer[1]  ='C' 
Adistract[1]  ='red' 
Bdistract[1]  ='yellow' 
Cdistract[1]  ='blue' 
Ddistract[1]  ='purple'  
questionarray[2]  ='cow is =?.' 
answer[0]  ='D' 
Adistract[0]  ='Tank' 
Bdistract[0]  ='President' 
Cdistract[0]  ='Weapon' 
Ddistract[0]  ='Animal'  
questionarray[3]  ='What is 2+2=?.' 
answer[0]  ='A' 
Adistract[0]  ='4' 
Bdistract[0]  ='22' 
Cdistract[0]  ='11' 
Ddistract[0]  ='0'  .....etc

and also if any of master n gurus here have better suggestion, both on the question array and get (viewing method on browser),

i'll be very thankful.
Anyway, thanks in advance.

Best Regards


Math.random() along with the article on generating random numbers should get you going. Even though the article uses C/C++, adapting the algorithm to Javascript shouldn't be a big problem.

Thanks for the reply...

Also i've added change in the code (the last one is kinda wrong), here's the 'new' code

questionarray[0]  ='What is 1+1=?.' 
answer[0]  ='1' 
Adistract[0]  ='2' 
Bdistract[0]  ='22' 
Cdistract[0]  ='11' 
Ddistract[0]  ='0'  
questionarray[1]  ='what is the color of the sky?.' 
answer[1]  ='C' 
Adistract[1]  ='red' 
Bdistract[1]  ='yellow' 
Cdistract[1]  ='blue' 
Ddistract[1]  ='purple'  
questionarray[2]  ='cow is =?.' 
answer[2]  ='D' 
Adistract[2]  ='Tank' 
Bdistract[2]  ='President' 
Cdistract[2]  ='Weapon' 
Ddistract[2]  ='Animal'  
questionarray[3]  ='What is 2+2=?.' 
answer[3]  ='A' 
Adistract[3]  ='4' 
Bdistract[3]  ='22' 
Cdistract[3]  ='11' 
Ddistract[3]  ='0'  .....etc

i know this can be done by

var i = Math.round(6*Math.random());


Post a code which can be run / tested by us. Posting incomplete snippets from here and there won't help. Anyways, what is the problem you are facing right now? Does it work, if not, have you taken a look at the Error Console of Firefox (Tools -> Error Console)? Does it show any errors? If it works but not the way you wanted, what is the expected behavior?

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