Dear all,
This code below is used to clear TextBox and dropdownlist control value

Public Sub ClearPage(ByVal Pg As Page, ByVal Form As String, Optional ByRef ClearCombo As Boolean = False)
        Dim Obj As Object
        For Each Obj In Pg.FindControl(Form).Controls
            If Obj.GetType().Name = "TextBox" Then
                Obj.Text = ""
            End If
            If LCase(Obj.GetType().Name) = "htmlinputtext" Then
                Obj.value = ""
            End If
            If LCase(Left(, 2)) = "lb" Or LCase(Left(, 3)) = "lbl" Then
                If LCase(Obj.GetType().Name) = "htmlinputtext" Then
                    Obj.value = ""
                ElseIf LCase(Obj.GetType().Name) = "htmlgenericcontrol" Then
                    Obj.InnerText = ""
                    Obj.Text = ""
                End If
            End If
            If Obj.GetType().Name = "HiddenField" Then
                Obj.Value = ""
            End If
            If Obj.GetType().Name = "DropDownList" Then
                If ClearCombo = True Then
                    If Obj.Items.Count > 0 Then
                        Obj.SelectedIndex = 0
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End Sub


in my aspx forms, I write this code :

ClearPage(Me, "form1")

My question is, How do I find all controls in aspx forms that link to MasterPage ?
I have changed the code like this :

Public Sub ClearPage(ByVal Pg As MasterPage, ByVal Form As String, Optional ByRef ClearCombo As Boolean = False)
        Dim Obj As Object
        For Each Obj In Pg.FindControl(Form).Controls

        Next Obj

End Sub


ClearPage(Master, "aspnetForm")

but not working !!!



u can use master.findcontrol("controlid")

u can use master.findcontrol("controlid")

It means, I must know all controls ID. In my case, I want to automatically find the controls ID.

can u specify what u need clearly or else u can crosspostback feature in 2.0

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