Hi i have a php script that retrieves all data from one database to be transferred to another database. The problem is that the database I am retrieving has 2,778 total rows and after i run my script the new database has 2,658 total rows. Whats going on?
Here is the php code.
First of all, connect to the kmedianet_main table and retrieve all files to be transferred
Uses the PEAR DB class,
$dbun = "example"; // database username
$dbpas = "example"; // database password
$dbname = "example"; // database name
$dsn = "mysql://$dbun:$dbpas@localhost/$dbname";
$conn =& DB::connect($dsn);
if (DB::isError ($conn))
die ("Cannot connect: " . $conn->getDebugInfo () . "\n");
// echo "connected: <Br>";
// echo "got cats: <Br>";
fetch all data from the main table and prepare it for entry into mp3s
$raw_data = array();
$q = 'SELECT users.id, users.username, users.password, users.email, users.ip, users.reg_date, users_profile.fname, users_profile.lname, users_profile.gender, users_profile.birthday, users_profile.country, users_profile.age FROM `users`,`users_profile` WHERE users.id = users_profile.mid';
$r = $conn->query($q);
if(DB::isError($r)) // kill on errors to ensure corrupt data is prevented from entering database
die("Error loading from main table: " . $r->getDebugInfo());
$x = 0; // initiate incrementer
// data straight from database
$raw_data[$x] = $row[0];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[1];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[2];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[3];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[4];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[5];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[6];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[7];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[8];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[9] . " 00:00:00";
$raw_data[$x] = $row[10];
$raw_data[$x] = $row[11];
//$raw_data[$x] = strtotime
$join = strtotime($raw_data[$x]);
$raw_data[$x] = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00",$join);
$x++; // increase incrementor so that data is not overwritten
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
// echo "sorted data: <Br>";
connection with the _main database is over. Now connect to the _music database
$dbun = "example"; // database username
$dbpas = "example"; // database password
$dbname = "example"; // database name
$dsn = "mysql://$dbun:$dbpas@localhost/$dbname";
$conn =& DB::connect ($dsn);
if (DB::isError ($conn))
die ("Cannot connect to kmediacom_music: " . $conn->getDebugInfo () . "\n");
// echo "connected to 2nd database: <Br>";
Now add each row of data to the new database
foreach($raw_data as $file)
$q = ""; // reset the query string for each iteration
$q = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `users` (user_id, user_name, password, email, first_name, last_name, sex, age, country, usr_status, doj, dob) VALUES ";
$q .= "(";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'Ok',";
$q .= "'".$file."',";
$q .= "'".$file."'";
$q .= ")"; // construct the INSERT query
$r = $conn->query($q);
// echo "Error inserting into new database on record" . $file . " : ". $r->getDebugInfo() . "<Br> $q";
// echo "inserted data into new database: <Br>";