hey... i currently making a web application, in VS 2008 - visual web developer 2008, for our final project and it makes use of an ocx which has methods to enable VOIP. What i did, since the control cannot be added to the tool box in order for it to be simply 'drag and drop'; i used aximp.exe to produce two dll's ATLH323Lib and AxATLH323Lib; i then referenced these two into my web application using Add Reference in the Solution Explorer.
My earlier error was that i always got an {ActiveX control 'fdd4c8c1-69c9-11d3-9dc8-525400e38cf9' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment.} error when i did this...
[code=asp.net]namespace WebVOIP
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
//flags to know status of caller
static bool inComingCall;
static bool onTheLine;
//variables in use
static string newline = "\r\n";
//Objects that handles the VOIP capabilites of the site
private AxATLH323Lib.AxH323 ConnectionControl = new AxATLH323Lib.AxH323(); //ERROR points to this line
protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
//ConnectionControl.ReceivingCall += new ATLH323Lib._IH323Events_ReceivingCallEventHandler(ConnectionControl_ReceivingCall);
Then i tried to do it like this ...
[code=asp.net]namespace WebVOIP
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
//flags to know status of caller
static bool inComingCall;
static bool onTheLine;
//variables in use
static string newline = "\r\n";
//Objects that handles the VOIP capabilites of the site
private AxATLH323Lib.AxH323 ConnectionControl;
protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
ConnectionControl = new AxATLH323Lib.AxH323();
//ConnectionControl.ReceivingCall += new ATLH323Lib._IH323Events_ReceivingCallEventHandler(ConnectionControl_ReceivingCall);
But then this error would appear... {Exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost+InvalidActiveXStateException' was thrown.}
Help Please...