Hello, Please help me in understanding the mystery behind rss feed, how to create it?, is it an automatic process? or it requires some admin type thing?

Please help me, I want to know how to create a rss for a website.


Member Avatar for langsor

Hello, I don't know from personal experience but did run across a different thread that pointed me at this keen little PHP utility for RSS feeding ... there's also a link in one of the posts down the page for another utility for reading RSS feeds. If you just want to understand the general framework around RSS, I would Google it.



Hello Langsor, thanks for your reply but I don't want to read rss feed, I want to create a rss feed.

then you'll have to write php code that outputs a correctly formatted rss document. The specs are available online. For PHP examples just google php create rss

Member Avatar for langsor

Hello Langsor, thanks for your reply but I don't want to read rss feed, I want to create a rss feed.

Yes, I know, the link I gave you is primarily for writing rss feeds -- if I understand that thread correctly -- there is also a bonus-link later in that same thread for reading them too.

But since I didn't apply the code personally, I may be mistaken on this count.


Since RSS feeds are XML files then you can get the format and do the necessary with SimpleXML. I once was finding API(or format whatsoever you call it) for podcasts which are kinda feeds and didn't find one so if you find it drop here also ;)

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