I`m trying to load the contents of a php file, change some variables through a replace, and save it again, but upon loading, the file_get_contents doesn`t parse the start of the file for some reason. I tried this on my server and on the local server.

Example :

filesample.php :

  $var1 = array('this' => 'that');


  $fp = file_get_contents('filesample.php');
  echo '<pre>'.$fp.'</pre>';

Output :


Waiting for your thoughts and experiences.

did you view the source. sometimes pre tags don't work for me and i know that browsers like to hide php code.

Member Avatar for langsor

did you view the source. sometimes pre tags don't work for me and i know that browsers like to hide php code.

I would say that kkeith has got the answer here...look at what the browser is seeing

$var1 = array('this' => 'that');


Looks like a tag to a browser ... even though it doesn't know what tag it is, so doesn't parse it, it still doesn't show it either.

  $fp = file_get_contents('filesample.php');
  echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($fp).'</pre>';


Works. Thanks alot ! :)

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