I looking for a jsp web hosting ? that support visual frameworks ?

Would you mind to explain term "visual framework"? I never heard it before and quick google didn't bring too much...

I am pretty sure the thread starter must have found one by now, so why did you have to resurrect this relic ?

Anyone using java hosting?
Please tell hoster

I'm gone send you PM in a minute, don't want to do free advertising here

It's OK to reply in this thread; it's not as if you are replying only to promote that provider, it would be more like an answer to the question asked.

I am pretty sure the thread starter must have found one by now, so why did you have to resurrect this relic ?

Just for the record, thread resurrection is allowed as long as the content posted is helpful in one form or the other. It might so happen that the bumped post ends up providing a lot more information.

Previously the moderators used to close the threads which were bumped which ended up people not being able to reply even if they had a better answer. Hence the new stance of dealing with bumped threads.

I use http://hostsyst.com/en/, provider is OK if you looking for some start. However I got no control over server restart to see any errors from there and have to way for guy to tell me if something went wrong (I'm on windows, he on some *nix, good recipient for trouble)
I found few others, but as I do not know anyone using them so I can not give direct recommendation

PS: Warning for any hosting providers. You are welcome to post links, but without your sales promotions such as "best hosting" or "cheapest hosting" etc. Please keep that sort of promotion for your site, plain link will do just fine

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