order table
	orderid	 orderdate  cust_name  address itemno  itemname  qty   price  totalprice
	54	       12/09/2008	    xxx	         yyy	 5	      cake	    5	     5	       25
	54	       12/09/2008     xxx	         yyy	 3	      choclate  5	     3	       15
	55	      13/09/2008	   www	        uuu	 7	      rice	    6	     6	       36
	55	      13/09/2008	   www                uuu	 8	      biscut	    1	   10	       10
	55	      13/09/2008	   www          	uuu	 9	      flower	    4	    4	      16
	56	      17/09/2008	   sss	                ooo	 7	       rice	            5	    6	      30

if i search the order date base(only month-9) from the data base,

i want to display following like in php page(like report)

if i select september(9), i want to dipslay in php page in table format,how can i achive it, i tried in nested while loops,
but it not worked?

cust_name:xxx		address:yyy
orderid	 orderdate  cust_name  address itemno  itemname  qty   price  totalprice
54	 12/09/2008	xxx	yyy	5	cake	5	5	25
54	12/09/2008	xxx	yyy	3	choclate 5	3	15
								total	40

		cust_name:www		address:uuu
orderid	 orderdate  cust_name  address itemno  itemname  qty   price  totalprice
55	13/09/2008	www	uuu	7	rice	 6	6	36
55	13/09/2008	www 	uuu	8	biscut	1	10	10
55	13/09/2008	www	uuu	9	flower	4	4	16
								total   62
		cust_name:sss		address:ooo

orderid	 orderdate  cust_name  address itemno  itemname  qty   price  totalprice
56	17/09/2008	sss	ooo	7	rice	5	6	30
								total   30


this is my code in php but it is not working properly(i use Microsoft Sql server 2005 , for database, i use stored procedures)

if (isset($_POST['btnsubmit']))
if ($rows > 0 && $rows1 > 0)

		echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">';
		echo '<tr><td align="left"><b>Airline Name:</b></td><td align="left">'.$row["air_name"].'</td>
		<td align="left"><b>Order Date:</b></td><td align="left">'.date("m-d-Y",strtotime($row["order_dt"])).'</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td align="left"><b>Customer Name:</b></td><td align="left">'.$row["cust_ship_lname"]." ".$row["cust_ship_fname"].'</td><td align="left"><b>Customer Phone:</b></td><td align="left">'.$row["cust_phone"].'</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><b>Shipping Address:</td><td>'.$row["cust_ship_addr1"].'<br/>'.
		 $row["cust_ship_addr2"].'<br/>'.$row["cust_ship_city"].'<br/>'.$row["cust_ship_state"].'<br/>'.$row["cust_ship_country"]." ".$row["cust_ship_zip"].'</td><td align="left" valign="top"><b>Customer Mail:</b></td><td align="left" valign="top">'.$row["cust_ship_email"].'</td></tr></table>';
		echo $orderid;
	echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td nowrap><b>Order ID</b></td><td nowrap><b>Product Code</b></td><td nowrap><b>Product Title</b></td><td><b>Category</b></td><td><b>Status</b></td><td><b>Quantity</b></td><td nowrap><b>Vendor Price</b><td nowrap><b>Amount</b><td nowrap><b>SkyBuy Price</b><td nowrap><b>Amount</b></td>';
		if ($orderid==$row1["order_id"])
		echo '<tr><td>'.$row1["order_id"].'</td>';
		echo '<td>'.$row1["prod_code"].'</td>';
		echo '<td>'.$row1["prod_title"].'</td>';
		echo '<td>'.$row1["cate_name"].'</td>';
		echo '<td>'.$row1["status"].'</td>';
		echo '<td align="right">'.$row1["qty"].'</td>';
		echo '<td align="right">'.$row1["vend_price"].'</td>';
		echo '<td align="right">'.number_format($total_vend_amount,2).'</td>';
		echo '<td align="right">'.$row1["sbh_price"].'</td>';
		echo '<td align="right">'.number_format($total_sbh_amount,2).'</td>';	
echo '<tr><td colspan="5" align="right"><b>Total</b></td><td align="right">'.$total_qty.'</td><td></td><td align="right">'.$total_vend_price.'</td><td></td><td align="right">'.$total_sbh_price.'</td></tr>';
	echo '<tr><td colspan="10" align="center"><a href="sbhorderprint.php"><img src="images/print.png" border="0" height="35px" width="35px" alt="Print" title="Print"></a><a href="sbhorderpdf.php"><img src="images/pdf.jpg" border="0" height="35px" width="35px" alt="Export PDF" title="Export PDF"><a href="sbhorderpdfmail.php"><img src="images/email.gif" border="0" height="25px" width="25px" alt="Send Email" title="Send Email"></a></table>';	
	echo '<table><tr><td align="center"><strong>No results Found</strong></td></tr></table>'; 

here i use two sp's for retriving records,

my corde displays

only first order details,customer details

second record, display only customer details, not order item details

third also display like seond,

how display like example table, using php code what i gave


I'm not so sure what your actually asking me to help you with here? However, remember that this forum has code tag rules. I'm finding it difficult to separate what your asking us, and what is PHP or SQL.

Also, if possible, could you provide the field types for the data you've shown us?

Christopher Lord.

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