Hi All,
I have a serious issue with my website. I am currently trying to implement a new design for my website using ASP.Net and C#. I have a homepage that has a left navigation bar, content place holder and a footer. I have created 3 separate controls for each of these navbar,footer and content place holder. Initially when I do not add any contents to the content place holder, everything looks fine(I mean the footer continues exactly from the point where the left nav bar ends.
Let me define how the page is structured.
So basically I have a table. In the first row, i have two cells. First cell has the navbar. Second cell has the content place holder.
Once the table ends, I have added the footer(similar to having it in a different row other than the one in which we have navbar n content place holder).

When I add huge contents to the content place holder, there comes a huge white space between the nav bar and the footer. I mean the nav bar ends and then at the same point where the content place holder ends, the footer starts..So if the added content is more than that can be accomodated within the actual height of the navbar, the white space comes...I even tried adding a small strip which I made to repeat...Thought that strip would repeat itself as the neighboring cell(content place holder) would extend....But no luck...Anyone knows how to make the height of the navbar increase based on the amount of contents in the content place holder and then finally add the footer to the end?? REMEMBER:there is no "height" attribute for content place holder...So I could not dynamically get the height of the content place holder also..Any suggestion would be appreciated. If anyone knows any scripts that would do this, it would be great if you can share with beginners like me.


wrap your contentplaceholders in divs

I tried that as well..But din work...


wrap your contentplaceholders in divs

Are you sure you aren't specifying a height somewhere? Do you have the code you can post?

I am specifying the height(the actual image dimensions)..Becos if I am not specifying the height, the image background itself is not getting displayed.In the code below, the images 'bar.jpg' is the background for the nav bar on which i have menu items..The image 'filler.jpg' is the 1X1 gray strip which I thought would repeat itself based on the contents size, as I had set the repeat property to 'repeat-y'. the thrid image 'curve.jpg' is just a curve to the end...The code below is a webcontrol that creates the navbar..Later I include this webcontrol in a master page which has a table..That table has 2 cells..I add this navbar to one cell and the neighboring cell has the content place holder.

<table id="leftNav1" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" runat="server">
<tr id="row1">

<td id="cell1" runat="server" width="128pt" valign="top" style="background-image: url(common/images/main/bar.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; height: 422px;">

<div id="leftNavContent" runat="server">

<td id="cell2" style="background-image: url(common/images/main/filler.JPG); background-repeat:repeat;" width="129pt"></td>

<td id="Td1" style="background-image: url(common/images/main/curve.JPG); background-repeat:no-repeat;" height=98 width="129pt"></td>


<table id="leftNav2" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" runat="server">
<td valign="top"><a href="/"><img src="common/images/main/UCLink.gif" border="0" alt="" style="width: 33px"></a>

Are you sure you aren't specifying a height somewhere? Do you have the code you can post?

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