Missouri_Mule 0 Newbie Poster

Hello All! I am a newb in need of some serious help. I am trying to get my website administration setup by using some different source code. I figured out the database issue I posted a couple of days ago. My current website is a ASP.Net 2.0 starter kit in C#. My web is up and running but I have no control over users or nothing. Sue at http://www.edream.org was kind enough to post some code that should allow us to administer our sites. Problem is, I cannot get past the following:

public class UserManager

    public static List<Users> GetUsers()
        using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ASPNETDB22"].ConnectionString))

        using (OleDbCommand Mycommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT aspnet_membership.userid, aspnet_membership.email, aspnet_membership.Isapproved, aspnet_membership.createDate, aspnet_membership.LastLoginDate, aspnet_users.username, aspnet_users.applicationID, aspnet_usersinroles.roleid as UsersInRole  from aspnet_membership inner join (aspnet_users left join aspnet_UsersInRoles on aspnet_users.userid=aspnet_usersinroles.userid)  on aspnet_membership.userid=aspnet_users.userid ORDER BY aspnet_users.username;", connection))
                Mycommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                bool filter = (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Friends") ||                 HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Administrators"));
                Mycommand.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@makeprivate", filter));
                Mycommand.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@UsersInRole", ""));

                List<Users> list = new List<Users>();

                OleDbDataReader reader = Mycommand.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Users temp = new Users(

                return list;

I keep getting this error:The name 'textBox1' does not exist in the current context!

All of this is supposed to read and display into a GridView control. There is a textBox there but it has an ID=txtTitle. I have tried changing the the control name(s) but I keep getting this same error. This is the only thing holding me back. I have researched this thing as much as I can on my own and I am reaching out for your help.

Since my website already had a GridView1 control and an ObjectDataSource control, I renamed the ones on this Admin Panel GridView2 and ObjectDataSource2 on this page. I even did a search on my code and changed any references to match what I changed.

Please help me! I am lost here!

Thanks for your time!

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