Can someone help me? I have a enquete script with checkbox answers for question when more than one anwer can be choisen but de script will only write de latest answer to my txt file. Can someone help me? This is the first time i work with PHP.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get URL-based and absolute-based directory and filename.
$thisfile_URL = "http://".$_SERVER.$_SERVER;
$thisdir_URL  = substr($thisfile_URL, 0, strrpos($thisfile_URL, '/')).'/';
$thisfile_ABS = $_SERVER;
$thisdir_ABS  =  substr($thisfile_ABS, 0, strrpos($thisfile_ABS, '/')).'/';
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# The Email address you want results mailed to.
$email_to_send_to = '';

# The name of the survey. What do you want to call it?
$name_of_survey = 'Test Survey';

# Template files to load. The opening template, the close template.
# The template displayed before the survey form is printed and
# The template displayed after the email is sent. Or leave empty.
$open_template         = $thisdir_ABS."templates/";
$close_template        = $thisdir_ABS."templates/sss.close.php";
$survey_heading_page   = $thisdir_ABS."templates/sss.head.php";
$survey_complete_page  = $thisdir_ABS."templates/sss.done.php";

# The charset being used for all messages sent out. ISO-8859-1 by default,
# but you can use anything you want (Unicode, etc).
$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------- Survey Form Information -------------------
# Type: checkbox
# Deft: Y or N for default check.
# Type: radio
# Deft: Default selected option
# Opts: Array of option values
# Type: select
# Deft: Default selected option
# Opts: Array of option values
# Type: text
# Deft: Default field text
# Opts: maxl, size - Maxlength and field size
# Type: textarea
# Deft: Default textarea field text
# Opts: rows, cols - row size, column size
# $hidden is an array of hidden fields.
# key being the name of the field, value as the value.
# $button_text is the submit button text
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# ***** SAMPLE DATA *****

$question = 'checkbox2';
$question = 'test';
$question = '';
$question[] = 'test1';
$question[] = 'test2';
$question[] = 'test3';

$hidden = "TEST!";
$hidden = "TESTO!";
$button_text     = 'Send it!';

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
function my_remove_slashes($st) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($st); }
else { return $st; }

function security_filter($st) {
$attribs = 'javascript:|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|'.

$st = my_remove_slashes($st);
$st = stripslashes(preg_replace("/$attribs/i", 'forbidden', $st));
$st = strip_tags($st);
$st = htmlentities($st);
return $st;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

if (!(empty($open_template))) { include($open_template); }

if (isset($_POST)) {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if ($key != 'button') {
if (preg_match('/^hidden_(.*)/i',$key)) {
$value = security_filter($value);
$key = trim(strstr($key,'_'),'_');

if (isset($hidden[$key])) {
$hidden_data[$key] = $value;
else {
if (isset($question[$key])) {
$value = security_filter($value);
if ($question[$key] == 'checkbox') { $value = "YES"; }
$results[$key] = $value;
if (isset($question)) {
$lineflag = FALSE;
foreach ($results as $key => $value) {
if ($lineflag == FALSE) {
$msg .= "----------------- Questions -----------------\n\n";
$lineflag = TRUE;
$msg .= "Question: ". $key ." - ". $question[$key] ."\n";
$msg .= "Response: ". $value . "\n\n";
$msg .= "---------------------------------------------\n";

$msg .= "\n";

if (isset($hidden_data)) {
$lineflag = FALSE;
foreach ($hidden_data as $key => $value) {
if ($lineflag == FALSE) {
$msg .= "---------------- Hidden vars ----------------\n\n";
$lineflag = TRUE;
$msg .= $key ." - ". $value ."\n";
$msg .= "\n---------------------------------------------\n";
$target_dir = "enquetes/" ;
$aantal_files = count(scandir($target_dir)) ;
$aantal_files++ ;
$handle = fopen($target_dir.$aantal_files.".txt","a+") ;

# Include template file.
if (!(empty($survey_complete_page))) { include($survey_complete_page); }

else {

if (!(empty($survey_heading_page))) { include($survey_heading_page); }

print "<form action=\"$thisfile_URL\" method=\"POST\"> \n";

foreach ($question as $key => $value) {
$type = strtolower($question[$key]);
$desc = $question[$key];
$deft = $question[$key];
$opts = $question[$key];

print $desc."\n";

if ($type == "checkbox") {
if (strtolower($deft) == 'y') { $box_value = "1"; $CHECKED = ' CHECKED'; }
else { $box_value = "0"; $CHECKED = ''; }
print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$box_value\"$CHECKED>\n<br>";

if ($type == "radio") {
print "<br>\n";
$i = 1;
foreach ($opts as $opt_key => $opt_value) {
if ($deft == $i) { $CHECKED = " checked=\"checked\""; }
else { $CHECKED = ''; }

print "<input type=\"RADIO\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$opt_value\"$CHECKED> - $opt_value <br>\n";
if ($type == "checkbox2") {
print "<br>\n";
$i = 1;
foreach ($opts as $opt_key => $opt_value) {
if ($deft == $i) { $CHECKED = ' CHECKED'; }
else { $CHECKED = ''; }

print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$opt_value\"$CHECKED> - $opt_value <br>\n";

if ($type == "select") {
print "<br>\n";
print "<select name=\"$key\">\n";

$i = 1;
foreach ($opts as $opt_key => $opt_value) {
if ($deft == $i) { $CHECKED = ' SELECTED'; }
else { $CHECKED = ''; }
print "<option value=\"$opt_value\"$CHECKED>$opt_value</option>\n";
print "</select><br>\n";

if ($type == "text") {
print "<br>\n";
$size = $opts;
$maxl = $opts;
print "<input maxlength=\"$maxl\" size=\"$size\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$deft\"><br>\n";

if ($type == "textarea") {
print "<br>\n";
$colz = $opts;
$rowz = $opts;
print "<textarea name=\"$key\" rows=\"$rowz\" cols=\"$colz\">$deft</textarea><br>\n";

# Spacing between survey questions -----------

print "<br>\n";

# --------------------------------------------


foreach ($hidden as $key => $value) {
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hidden_$key\" value=\"$value\">\n";

print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" value=\"$button_text\">\n";
print " &nbsp; -- &nbsp; \n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"reset\" VALUE=\"Clear\">\n";
print "</form>";
print "<center><font size=\"2\">Powered by <A HREF=\"\">Super Simple Survey</A></font></center><br>\n";

if (!(empty($close_template))) { include($close_template); }

Hi Nick,
it's a bit difficult to debug your script when you didn't use the syntax highlighting provided by this forum. Could you please edit your post insert the CODE tags?

Could I see the script at work somewhere? In general, the problem is either in HTML (answers are overwriting one another) or in processing the response. It would be easier for me to check the first area if I could see the HTML directly.

Also, your sample data contains only one item so it cannot show the behaviour you've described, right? Could you add more and use some real life data? The problem could be there too.

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