Hello! The error above appears on line 9 and i can't seem to figure it out!

		for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
		$rand1 = (rand()%13 + 1);
		$rand2 = (rand()%4 + 1);
		$slot[$i] = $rand1*10 + $rand2;
		while(slot[$i] == slot[$j])
		$rand1 = (rand()%13 + 1);
		$rand2 = (rand()%4 + 1);
		$slot[$i] = $rand1*10 + $rand2;


I went through it over and over again but I can't see what's wrong. Any help appreciated :)

Hey soultrav,

Not sure if this is a typo in your post, line 9 should read:

while($slot[$i] == $slot[$j])

You seem to be missing the $

yes, that was it :icon_redface:

it's embarassing, but that's a lesson for me, i should go to sleep now :)


No need to be embarrassed, I do it all the time :D

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