Hi friends.
I am trying to install Ruby on rails on Linux platform.The OS i am using is Ubuntu.
I am new to both Linux and RoR .So really need help.Here is the code i tried to run and the result :
manisha@manisha-desktop:~$ sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies
/usr/bin/gem:11:Warning: Gem::manage_gems is deprecated and will be removed on or after March 2009.
INFO: `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed
INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list
ERROR: http://gems.rubyforge.org/ does not appear to be a repository
ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository
I tried many probable solutions , but none is working.I am just unable to figure out any more.May be someone can help.I will be very thankful.