Say I have a simple form...

How do I call the three different values entered and output them to the screen in the file test.jsp?

  <form method= "post" action = "test.jsp">
    Please select the Honda 2000 features needed <BR>
    Aero Screen: <Input type = text Name = "screen"><br>
    CD Changer:  <Input type = text Name = "cd"><br>
    Spoiler:     <Input type = text Name = "spoiler"><br>
    <input type = "submit" value = "add to shopping cart">

Well you need to use the request object in JSP to retrieve form data.

The request.getParameter("<element-name>") , should get you the values of the respective elements in your form.

> How do I call the three different values entered and output them to the screen in the file
> test.jsp?

Don't process form data in JSP's which are meant for view purposes; use a servlet instead which would then delegate the responsibility to a JSP.

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