Hi All,
I am trying to the following for an appointments system. So far i am able to add to my Sql table 'bookings' values i select from a drop down stored as $day, $month, $year and $time.
I want to be able to do a check nefore a write the row to the database to see if a record with the same day mont year time already exists - but not too sure how. Can anyone tell me where in my php code i can put this check!

if ($_POST["addClient"]=="yes") {

    // retrieve values from system $_POST variable


    // connect to database
    $db = mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword);

    // compose query and send
    $dbQuery="INSERT INTO bookings VALUES ('$day', '$month', '$year', '$time')";
    $result = mysql_query($dbQuery,$db);

    } else {}

Thanks in Advance :)

Member Avatar for Rhyan

OK, as far as I understand you first want to check if such an appointment already exists, then, if the date-hour is free, you want to write the appointment. Is that correct? If it is this way, you first need to look for existing appointment, then try to write a new one.

You have to change the code from this part on.

// compose query and send
$dbQuery="INSERT INTO bookings VALUES ('$day', '$month', '$year', '$time')";
$result = mysql_query($dbQuery,$db);

} else {}

//compose search string
$checkAppointment = "SELECT count(*) FROM bookings WHERE day='$day' and month='$month' and year='$year' and time='time')";
$check = mysql_query($checkAppointment, $db);
$result = mysql_fetch_row($check);
$result = $result['0'];

if($result >0)
   print ('You already have an appointment on selected day and hour!');
    $insertAppointment="INSERT INTO bookings VALUES ('$day', '$month', '$year', '$time')";
    $write = mysql_query($insertAppointment,$db);
    if(!$write) //checking here if record is inserted
        echo mysql_error();
  print('New appointment created!');

However, if you are going to create an appointment system, better think about overlapping events. E.g. a meeting starts at 10 o'clock and is scheduled to run 2 hours.
Your current code will perfectly allow a new appointment to be created when the hour is set to be 10:01...

Ok Thats great thankyou so much. I will give it ago and let you know how i get on!

Cheers :)

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