I have created many sites using Coldfusion so I know the syntax and I know how to use the product, what I don’t know is how to setup the server, (That was always done by others in the company) my problem is I am trying to create a site on my own now and need the server setup on my home computer. The only Database I have access to right now is Access ’07 but as I have tried to create the DNS I get this error message

“Connection verification failed for data source: xxxxxxxx
com.inzoom.adojni.ComException: Not a valid file name.
The root cause was that: com.inzoom.adojni.ComException: Not a valid file name. in Microsoft JET Database Engine code=0 Type=1”

How can I fix this problem?

I'm Sorry, I should have mentioned that, however that site links you out to a site to download a fix to this problem, which I did, I'm still getting that error

I'm Sorry, I should have mentioned that, however that site links you out to a site to download a fix to this problem, which I did, I'm still getting that error

So you tried both:
1. downloading the fix and creating an ODBC datasource AND
2. Using an "Other" datasource with the jdbcURL in the link

... and neither one works?

right nothing seems to be working I keep getting the same error message

right nothing seems to be working I keep getting the same error message

Unfortunately, I am out of ideas because I am not using Access 2007. Just a thought, but does Access have an option to convert a database to an earlier version? If so, you might try that. Otherwise, you could always try using another supported database like MySQL, It is pretty stable and I know for certain it works with CF8, because I am using it.

Yes, just open the db and save as .mdb. Then modify the DSN to reflect the changes.

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