I've tested sending emails to popular webmails like gmail and hotmail successfully.
The problem is with yahoo. All mails are delivered to SPAM folder.
These are some of my class.phpmailer vars where the mails are sent from

var $From               = "admin@domain.com";
var $FromName           = "ME";
var $Mailer            = "sendmail";
var $Sendmail          = "/usr/sbin/sendmail [email]-fwebmaster@domain.com[/email]";
var $Sendmail          = "/usr/sbin/sendmail [email]-fwebmaster@domain.com[/email]";
var $Hostname          = "domain.com";
var $Host        = "ip#here.static.privatedns.com"; 
var $Port        = 25;
var $Helo        = "";
var $SMTPAuth     = true;
var $Username     = "username";
var $Password     = "password";

Thanks in advance for any help

I have upgraded to v2.3 and I got these settings to work.
The script that includes phpmailer doesn't change these parameters.
Yahoo delivers them to inbox

public $From         = "me@domain.com";
public $Sender       = 'webmaster@domain.com';
public $FromName     = "ME";
public $Sendmail     = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
public $Hostname     = "domain.com";
public $SMTPAuth     = true;
public $Username     = "me"; 
public $Password     = "password"; // 'me' password

But I don't want to send mails from 'me' so I have created a new linux user called admin.domain with the associated email address admin@domain.com
So these are the changes in class.phpmailer.php

public $From         = "admin@domain.com";
public $Sender       = 'webmaster@domain.com';
public $FromName     = "ADMIN";
public $Sendmail     = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
public $Hostname     = "domain.com";
public $SMTPAuth     = true;
public $Username     = "admin.domain"; 
public $Password     = "password"; // 'admin.domain' password

Now Yahoo delivers to spam mailbox!
What would be happening?

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