I have researched and have not come up with any examples and no answer as to how to do this. Please help... The molecular2.java does all the computation. I will only include a snippet of it.
This file is like this because I needed to return multiple items and could not find another way to do it.
public String getResult(String mw)
if(overallcount == 1.0)
String overallcount 4 = String.valueOf(overallcount1);
return overallcount4;
String overallcount3 = String.valueOf(overallcount);
for(int i=0; i<j; i++)
if(coeff[i] != 0.0)
finalcoeff[i] = ((coeff[i]/overallcount)*100);
} // keep in mind that and array called element[], has already been filled
return overallcount3;
I want to pass the information hat I get here to a servlet that looks like this and is called MoleCalc.java
public class Molecalc extends javax.servlet.http.HTTPServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet {
protected void doGet (...)
RequestDispatcher disp = request.getRequestDispatcher("jsp/Calculators/MoleCalc.jsp");
if((request.getParameter("submit")==null) || (request.getParameter("submit").length() == 0))
{//do nothing
else //user hits submit button
if((request.getParameter("mole") != null) && (request.getParameter("mole").length() > 0))
String moleS = request.getParameter("mole");
String moleStr = "";
String overallcount = "";
overallcount = Molecular2.getResult(moleS);
if(overallcount == "1.0")
request.setAttribute("errormsg", "Did no t enter a proper equation");
Could someone please tell me how to implement the array into this code? I have tried everything that I can imagine but it is not working.
I am figuring that for the jsp, which is MoleCalc.jsp, that I would just do a couple of foreach statements.
<form name = "moleformula" method="get" action="MoleCalc.java" onsubmit = "return vInputMoleformula(this);">
<h3>enter the Molecular Formula: </h3>
<td><input type="text" name="mole" id="mole" value="" maxlength="10" size="10"/> Molecular Formula </td>
<input class="submitButton" type="submit" value="Compute" name="submit" /> <br />
<h2> Molecular Weight = <c:out value="${moleformula}"/> g.</h2><br/>
<br> The formula entered was: <c:out value="${mole}"/><br/>
<h2><font color=red><c:out value="${errormsg}"/></font></h2><br/></form></div>
I am not a student working on an assignment for school and trying to weasle answers out of you all. I am terribly lost and am in desperate need of some suggestions as to how to attack this problem. Any help would be great.... Thanks!