hi i am learning how to make a user login script in php. And I wrote a html page and 2 php pages. Visitors will access through html page using their password and username... And when click on submit then the second page will process it .... I make one like this ...

process.php page

if ($username=="some" && $password=="some"){
header('Location: ' . mypage.php);
header('Location: ' . incorrectpage.php);

Please let me know is it ok ? or any change ??? Please help me ...

Well the only glaring issue I see is, you lack the ability to tell if the user is logged in once they leave the page.



if ($username=="some" && $password=="some")
  //Username & Password match
  //Set a session value so we know they were logged in successfully
  $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = time();
  //Redirect to the member only page
  header( 'Location: mypage.php' );
  //user failed to login
  header( 'Location: incorrectpage.php)' ;

if( !empty( $_SESSION['loggedIn'] ) )
  echo 'Member Content';
  //User is not logged in, but tried to direct link
  header( 'Location: incorrectpage.php' );

This is just a rough example of how to work with sessions.
http://us2.php.net/session Other then that you seem to have the basic concept.

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