I am calling the below function on the click of an 'OK' button to set the attribute of a cell of a table (attributes for <td> tag), however i am not able to set the 'style' attribute of the <td> tag with the code below. Please help me in achieving this.
function Ok()
variable ="FILTER:progid : DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient (GradientType=1, startColorstr="+GetE('txtColor1').value+", endColorstr="+GetE('txtColor2').value+"); HEIGHT:"+GetE('txtHeight').value+"px"; //setting the value of style attribute
for( i = 0 ; i < aCells.length ; i++ )
SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'borderColor' , GetE('txtBorderColor').value ) ;
SetAttribute( aCells[i], 'style' , variable ) ; //not working
return true ;
The above code is to apply gradient color to the cell of a table.