Hi I am just a student doing survey
about Employers helping empolyees
with their housing during this recession
and I need helps to make this ASP form....
anyone willing & able to help me out?
My -survey.html- File for getting the info
<body><form method=post action="sProcess.asp">
<pre><input type="radio" name="Status" value="HR Manager">I am an HR Manager
<input type="radio" name="Status" value="Untitled Hiring Manager">I am an Untitled Hiring Manager
FIRST name <input type="text" 1stname="name" size="20" name="FirstName">
<textarea name="SayAnyThing" rows=5 cols=40 wrap></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="submit my survey"><input type="reset" value="Start Over"></pre>
my -- sProcess.asp- file for processing & sending my survey
'=== BEGIN send survey
Set ObjMsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMsg.From = "WebMaster@JeanBiz.info"
ObjMsg.To = "ComfortedAlways@aol.com"
ObjMsg.Subject = "Survey"
ObjMsg.Body = "Survey"&vbCrlf&_
"status = " &rtrim(Request.Form("Status""))"&vbCrlf&_
"first name = " &rtrim(Request.Form("FirstName""))"&vbCrlf&_
"say any thing = " &rtrim(Request.Form("SayAnyThing""))
ObjMsg.Importance = 1
Set ObjMsg = Nothing
'=== END send survey
Response.Write "Thanks for answering this survey<br>"&_