
I am trying to make a script that can upload multiple files (currently I set it to five).

I made the form look like this:

$i = 1;
            while ($i <= 5)
$form .= "here goes the content of the form";
$i = $i + 1;

I have three inputs in this form (title, description, file to be uploaded).

when the form submits the page that analyze the form looks like this:

$i = 1;
        while ($i <= 5)
$imgtitle[$i] 	= $_post['$imgtitle[$i]'];
$imgdes[$i] 	= $_post['imgdesc[$i]'];
$file[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["tmp_name"];
$realname[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["name"];
$type[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["type"];
$size[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["size"];
$ext[$i]  	= strrchr($realname[$i],'.');

$i = $i + 1;

the problem is that all the values has empty values. I tried to work around this problem and did the following (take the image title as example):

$imgtitle 	= $_post['$imgtitle'];
$newtitle = $imgtitle[$i];

I came up with the title of the first image only.

any advice??

It looks like the HTML you are outputting for your form must be incorrect Check that you are successfully outputting:

<input type="file" name="cfile[1]" />
<input type="file" name="cfile[2]" />
<input type="file" name="cfile[3]" />
<input type="file" name="cfile[4]" />
<input type="file" name="cfile[5]" />
Member Avatar for diafol


I am trying to make a script that can upload multiple files (currently I set it to five).

I made the form look like this:

$i = 1;
            while ($i <= 5)
$form .= "here goes the content of the form";
$i = $i + 1;

I have three inputs in this form (title, description, file to be uploaded).

when the form submits the page that analyze the form looks like this:

$i = 1;
        while ($i <= 5)
$imgtitle[$i] 	= $_post['$imgtitle[$i]'];
$imgdes[$i] 	= $_post['imgdesc[$i]'];
$file[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["tmp_name"];
$realname[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["name"];
$type[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["type"];
$size[$i] 	= $_files["cfile[$i]"]["size"];
$ext[$i]  	= strrchr($realname[$i],'.');

$i = $i + 1;

the problem is that all the values has empty values. I tried to work around this problem and did the following (take the image title as example):

$imgtitle 	= $_post['$imgtitle'];
$newtitle = $imgtitle[$i];

I came up with the title of the first image only.

any advice??

Get rid of the single quote marks inside your post variables if you are placing a variable name in them => $_POST[$imgtitle]

$imgtitle[$i] 	= $_POST[$imgtitle[$i]];
$imgdes[$i] 	= $_POST['imgdesc[' . $i . ']'];
$file[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["tmp_name"];
$realname[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["name"];
$type[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["type"];
$size[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["size"];
$ext[$i]  	= strrchr($realname[$i],'.');

Ha! I didn't catch that - that would definitely do it.

thanks for the help, but it still not working!!

I don't know what i am doing wrong; the form looks like this:

$i = 1;
            while ($i <= 5)
$repeat .="<tr>
<td width=\"10\" align=\"center\" class=\"stars\">*</td>
<td width=\"30%\" class=\"red_bold\">imgtitle :</td>
<b><input type='text' name='imgtitle[$i]' size='35' class=\"imglib_input_textbox\"></b></td>
<td width=\"10\" align=\"center\" class=\"stars\">*</td>
<td class=\"red_bold\">choose the photo :</td>
<input type='file' name='cfile[$i]' size='22' class=\"imglib_input_textbox\"></td>

<td valign=\"top\" width=\"10\" align=\"center\" class=\"stars\">*</td>
<td class=\"red_bold\" valign=\"top\">Description :</td>
<b>	<textarea rows='10' name='imgdesc[$i]' cols='42' class=\"imglib_input_textarea\"></textarea></b></td>
<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">
<img border=\"0\" src=\"modules/gallery/themes/professional/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"15\"><input type=hidden name=catno value='$cat'></td></tr>";
			$i = $i + 1;

The code the analysis the form looks like this now:

$i = 1;
        while ($i <= 5)
$imgtitle 	= $_POST[$imgtitle[$i]];
$imgdesc[$i] 	= $_POST['imgdesc[' . $i . ']'];

$file[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["tmp_name"];
$realname[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["name"];
$type[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["type"];
$size[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["size"];
$ext[$i]  	= strrchr($realname[$i],'.');
$size[$i] = $size[$i]/1024;
$ext[$i] = strtolower($ext);

echo "file: " . $file[$i] . "<br />";
echo "desc: " . $imgdesc[$i] . "<br />";
echo "type: " . $type[$i] . "<br />";
echo "size: " . $size[$i] ;
$i = $i + 1;

I had the same issue as before; when I remove [$i] from the variable and echo it later i get the first entry only.

Member Avatar for diafol

Firstly, your HTML is a little wrong, you've used single quotes for your attribute values - use double quotes:

<input type='file' name='cfile[$i]' size='22' class=\"imglib_input_textbox\"></td>

should be

<input type=\"file\" name=\"cfile[]\" size=\"22\" class=\"imglib_input_textbox\"></td>

Also, take out your $i variable, just leave the square bracket empty. Successive cfiles will be incremented automatically (0 to 4 for 5 file widgets).

You then need to change $i intial value to 0.

[I][B]$i = 0;
        while ($i < 5)[/B][/I]

$imgtitle 	= [I][B]$_POST[$imgtitle[$i]];[/B][/I]

//ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THE ABOVE LINE?? Looks wrong to me - shouldn't it be $_POST["imgtitle[" . $i . "]"]

[I][B]$imgdesc[$i] 	= $_POST['imgdesc[' . $i . ']'];
$file[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["tmp_name"];
$realname[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["name"];
$type[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["type"];
$size[$i] 	= $_FILES["cfile[" . $i . "]"]["size"];
$ext[$i]  	= strrchr($realname[$i],'.');
$size[$i] = $size[$i]/1024;
$ext[$i] = strtolower($ext);

echo "file: " . $file[$i] . "<br />";
echo "desc: " . $imgdesc[$i] . "<br />";
echo "type: " . $type[$i] . "<br />";
echo "size: " . $size[$i] ;
$i = $i + 1;

thanks again

here is how I have solved for any one who might find them useful:

imgtitle 	= $_POST["imgtitle"][$i];
$imgdesc = $_POST["imgdesc"][$i];

$file 	= $_FILES["cfile"]["tmp_name"][$i];
$realname 	= $_FILES["cfile"]["name"][$i];
$type 	= $_FILES["cfile"]["type"][$i];
$size 	= $_FILES["cfile"]["size"][$i];
Member Avatar for diafol

Yes, nice one. Couldn't work out why we had to escape those counter variables - it looked all unnecessary

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