Hi there,
I'm a complete novice on javascript and am trying to make a basic currency convertor as part of my college course.
I have the beginning sorted, but am struggling to get the code to output the answer.
Can any kind soul tell me where I'm going wrong?
// Aim; to imput an amount in £'s and output in $'s using an exchange rate of 1.78 //
var amountInPounds, amountInDollars, dollarRate;
document.write('Currency Conversion Application A' + '<BR><BR>');
dollarRate = 1.78;
amountInPounds = window.prompt('PLease enter your sterling amount' ,'');
amountinPounds = parsefloat(amountinPounds);
amountInDollars = amountinPounds * dollarRate;
amountinDollars = parsefloat(amountinDollars);
document.write('total is ' + amountinDollars + '<br>');
Any help gratefully appreciated!