i used phpmyadmin software then i create a database named sycom_dbase, but the problem i can execute it. but there is no output? and error messages.. any comments suggestions. why did it happens. where should i save all my php files.. www? i save it in www folder but it didn't still connect to the database i guess. any connectors needed? please help thnks..
(im NEWBIE here)
Here's my sample code
$sName = $_POST['engrSName'];
$sAdd = $_POST['engrAdd'];
$sPCode = $_POST['engrPCode'];
$sLline = $_POST['engrLline'];
$sMob = $_POST['engrMno'];
$sAge = $_POST['engrAge'];
$sBday = $_POST['engrYear'];
$sUname = $_POST['engrUName'];
$sPword = $_POST['engrPName'];
$sEmail = $_POST['engrEmail'];
mysql_connect("localhost","admin","charmander") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("sycom_dbase") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO sycom_accountuser (sycom_Name, sycom_Address, sycom_PostalCode, sycom_Landline, sycom_Mobile, sycom_Age, sycom_Birthday, sycom_Username, sycom_Password, sycom_Email) VALUES(".$sName.",".$sAdd.",".$sPCode.",".$sLline.",".$sMob.",".$sAge.",".$sBday.",".$sUname.",".$sPword.",".$sEmail.")");
echo "Database Updated...";