I'm quite new to setting up webservers so I hope I can find some help here. Currently on a server that I have root access to, under /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/ROOT, I have a couple of .html and .jsp files which show up perfectly when I enter locally "http://localhost:8080/***.html", but when I enter "http://domainname.ecn.purdue.edu:8080/***.html" (or its many variants: with "www", without "8080" etc) (either from a network machine or a machine outside the network) Firefox gives a "Network Timeout" error.
What would be the simplest way I could make these pages be accessed publicly? I've searched on Google but I can't seem to find anything that addresses this specific task: to make jsp webpages visible on the public domain. How can I tell if it is related to the server configuration, tomcat configuration, or the way I setup my pages?
Thanks for your help!
(edit: I can ping the webserver domainname.ecn.purdue.edu successfully from outside. Trying to access the pages by using the resulting IP address instead of the domain name doesn't work either.)