Hi there i need to create a fully functional website. Please suggest me a CMS that will help me do so. I mean joomla and wordpress are goo if you want to make blogs.

Secondly, i would like to know how to send mails through php using local server and gmail/yahoo.

BTW i'm using WAMP

It isn't really a PHP question but In reply to the first part, everyone will probably have a different opinion on which is the best CMS based on their own experience. I attempted some informal assessment of some of the more popular CMS's such as Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress along with the one I had been using Website Baker (WB). With ease of setup and use as one of my highest priorities, I found that Website Baker was more straightforward to understand and use than the other ones. Wordpress was also pretty good (and it can do more than just blog). I found Joomla and Drupla frustrating although lots of people have obviously figured them out.

If you want something that you can get working pretty quickly without a large learning curve try WB.


hmmm....but i still believe that much can be done with wordpress, i mean it feels so bloggy

There are lot of modules and features available in drupal.Drupal CMS hosting includes an installation with many features. Moreover, it is possible to expand the system at any time by choosing among more than 3,500 modules.Its flexible too.try this its my preference ..If you not satisfied means..try this following

Exponent CMS
eZ Publish
Frog CMS
Gamboo Web Suite


Any reason for this post since you are adding to a thread that is two years old? Just trying to add to your post count and or push Drupal for your own purposes?

Hi there i need to create a fully functional website. Please suggest me a CMS that will help me do so. I mean joomla and wordpress are goo if you want to make blogs.

Secondly, i would like to know how to send mails through php using local server and gmail/yahoo.

BTW i'm using WAMP

Wordpress is very good if you want a blog site, joomla and drupal are good also but these are best for ecommerce sites, IN MY OWN OPINION. I'm a drupal user and I love it.

Regarding sending emails via localhost, I'm using XAMPP as my localhost server, it has MercuryMail, put it running. Download Pegasus Mail, set it to mercury mail. Create your localhost email. Then, bingo. Pegasus has nice documentation, just a few effort to read how to do so..

Also, an advise, there are some email providers that do not accept localhost emails but gmail and yahoo do accept them.


Are you replying to the post at the start of this thread that was posted in Feb 2009? If so, why?

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