i am using this code to send pm, after i send a pm it says "You have successfully sent a private message!" and the boxes under for user to send again if they like but i would like to show only "You have successfully sent a private message!" if the message goes through and nothing else
can you help?
$user = $_SESSION['username'];
include 'db.php';
//This checks to see if a user is logged in or not by seeing if the sessioned username varialble exists.
//You could change this check to however you want to validate your members, this is just how I did it.
echo "<br><p>Blah blah you arent logged in and stuff, you should do that or something</p><br>";
//Query the database to see how many messages the logged in user has, then do a little math
//Find the percentage that your inbox is full (message count divided by 50)
//50 messages maximum, you can change that
$sql = mysql_query ("SELECT pm_count FROM users WHERE username='$user'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql);
$pm_count = $row['pm_count'];
//This is the math to figure out the percentage.
//The message could divided by 50 then multiplied by 100 so we dont have a number less than 1
$percent = $pm_count/'50';
$percent = $percent * '100';
<b><p><a href="inbox.php">Inbox</a> | <a href="compose.php">Compose</a> | <a href="sent.php">Sentbox</a></b>
<b><p><?php echo "$pm_count"." of 50 Total | "."$percent"."% full"; ?></p></b>
//So here we get the variable submitted through the form to this page
$reciever = $_POST['username'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$error = '0';
//If they are all blank we jsut say to compose a message
if(!$reciever AND !$subject AND !$message)
<p><b>Please compose a message.</b></p>
//Since this form was partially filled out we need to return an error message
if (!$reciever)
$error = 'You must enter a reciever to your message';
if (!$subject)
$error = 'You must enter a subject';
if (!$message)
$error = 'You must enter a message';
//If the variable error is not set to zero, we have a problem and should show the error message
if($error != '0')
echo "<p>$error</p><br>";
//There are no errors so far which means the form is completely filled out
//Are the trying to send a message to a real user or to something they just made up?
$user_check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$reciever'");
$user_check = mysql_num_rows($user_check);
//The user is real and not made up if this is true
if($user_check > '0')
//There might already be a sessioned time variable, if so we need to get it for the flood check
$time = $_SESSION['time'];
//If there is a time variable already, set it to the varialbe $old_time
if($time > '0')
$old_time = $time;
//Here we get the minutes and seconds on the server time using the date function, and set that to the $time variable
//Now we find the difference between this time ($time) and the time that the page was submitted ($old_time)
$time = date('is');
$difference = $time - $old_time;
$_SESSION['time'] = $time;
//If the two times have a difference greater or equal to 15, which is 15 seconds, they can submit the message, this is for flood protection
if($difference >= '15')
//Get their private message count
$sql = mysql_query ("SELECT pm_count FROM users WHERE username='$reciever'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql);
$pm_count = $row['pm_count'];
//You cant have more than 50 private messages, if they try sending a message to a user with a full inbox return an error message
if(pm_count == '50')
$error = 'The user you are trying to send a message to has 50 private messages, sorry but we cant send your message untill that user deletes some of their messages.';
//And now we stick the message in the database with all the correct information
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (reciever, sender, subject, message) VALUES('$reciever', '$user', '$subject', '$message')") or die (mysql_error());
//Add 1 to the pm count, update the reciever with the new pm count
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET pm_count='$pm_count' WHERE username='$reciever'");
//Let the user know everything went ok.
echo "<p><b>You have successfully sent a private message!</b></p><br>";
//Since they are trying to send messages faster than every 15 seconds, give them an error message
$error = 'You must wait 15 seconds before sending another private message';
//If they mis spelled or, made up a username, then give an error message telling them its wrong.
$error = 'That username does not exist, please try again. Remember to check your spelling, and don\'t make stuff up at random.';
//Since we may have set the error variable to something while trying to send the messae, we need another error check
if($error != '0')
echo "<p>$error</p><br>";
//Here's the form for the input
<form name="send" method="post" action="compose.php">
<table width="80%">
<td width="150px" align="left" valign="top"><p>Username</p></td>
<td width="" align="left" valign="top"><input name="username" type="text" id="username" value="<?php echo "$reciever"; ?>"></td>
<td width="150px" align="left" valign="top"><p>Subject</p></td>
<td width="" align="left" valign="top"><input name="subject" type="text" id="subject" value="<?php echo "$subject"; ?>"></td>
<td width="150px" align="left" valign="top"><p>Message Body</p></td>
<td width="" align="left" valign="top"><textarea name="message" type="text" id="message" value="" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send Message"></td>