neoseeker191 0 Light Poster

I have an ASP script that gets information from an Order Form. I have it so it displays the data. I would like to take the data displayed and send it in an email. How do I go about doing that. I've looked at tutorials on google but I dont understand how to get the displayed data into the body of the email.

Here is the orderform: Link

Here is the ASP Script:


	'Product Variables
	Dim QTY_1
	Dim QTY_2
	Dim QTY_3
	Dim QTY_4
	Dim QTY_5
	Dim QTY_6
	Dim QTY_7
	Dim QTY_8
	Dim QTY_9
	Dim QTY_10

	Dim COLOR_1
	Dim COLOR_2
	Dim COLOR_3
	Dim COLOR_4
	Dim COLOR_5
	Dim COLOR_6
	Dim COLOR_7
	Dim COLOR_8	
	Dim Total
	'Product Arrays
	Dim qtyArray(9)
		qtyArray(0) = QTY_1
		qtyArray(1) = QTY_2
		qtyArray(2) = QTY_3
		qtyArray(3) = QTY_4
		qtyArray(4) = QTY_5
		qtyArray(5) = QTY_6
		qtyArray(6) = QTY_7
		qtyArray(7) = QTY_8
		qtyArray(8) = QTY_9
		qtyArray(9) = QTY_10
	Dim colorArray(7)
		colorArray(0) = COLOR_1
		colorArray(1) = COLOR_2
		colorArray(2) = COLOR_3
		colorArray(3) = COLOR_4
		colorArray(4) = COLOR_5
		colorArray(5) = COLOR_6
		colorArray(6) = COLOR_7
		colorArray(7) = COLOR_8

	Dim prodArray(9)
		prodArray(0) = "TxTray Low Wing Dual Strap"
		prodArray(1) = "TxTray Thumbtray Dual Strap"
		prodArray(2) = "TxTray High Wing Dual Strap"
		prodArray(3) = "TxTray Kids Tray Dual Strap"
		prodArray(4) = "TxTray Low Wing"
		prodArray(5) = "TxTray Thumbtray"
		prodArray(6) = "TxTray High Wing"
		prodArray(7) = "TxTray Kids Tray"
		prodArray(8) = "Dual Strap Retrofit Kit"
		prodArray(9) = "Dual Strap"

	'Payment Variables
	Dim NameOnCard
	Dim PaymentMethods
	Dim CCNumber
	Dim CCExpiration
	'Billing Variables

	Dim BILLING_Company
	Dim BILLING_Address
	Dim BILLING_Address2
	Dim BILLING_County
	Dim BILLING_State
	Dim BILLING_Province
	Dim BILLING_Country
	Dim BILLING_Phone
	Dim BILLING_Extension
	Dim BILLING_Email

	'Checkbox Variable
	Dim CheckSame

	'Shipping Variables
	Dim SHIPPING_Company
	Dim SHIPPING_Address
	Dim SHIPPING_Address2
	Dim SHIPPING_County
	Dim SHIPPING_Province
	Dim SHIPPING_Country
	Dim SHIPPING_Extension

'If Statement Placeholders
Check = "on"
CheckValue = "No"

'Get Values From Form
	'Products Form
	QTY_1				=	Request.Form("QTY_1_TxTrayLW_DS")
	QTY_2				=	Request.Form("QTY_2_TxTrayThumb_DS")
	QTY_3				=	Request.Form("QTY_3_TxTrayHW_DS")
	QTY_4				=	Request.Form("QTY_4_TxTrayKT_DS")
	QTY_5				=	Request.Form("QTY_5_TxTrayLW")
	QTY_6				=	Request.Form("QTY_6_TxTrayThumb")
	QTY_7				=	Request.Form("QTY_7_TxTrayHW")
	QTY_8				=	Request.Form("QTY_8_TxTrayKT")
	QTY_9				=	Request.Form("QTY_9_DS_Retrofit")
	QTY_10				=	Request.Form("QTY_10_DS")
	COLOR_1				=	Request.Form("COLOR_1_TxTrayLW_DS")
	COLOR_2				=	Request.Form("COLOR_2_TxTrayThumb_DS")
	COLOR_3				=	Request.Form("COLOR_3_TxTrayHW_DS")
	COLOR_4				=	Request.Form("COLOR_4_TxTrayKT_DS")
	COLOR_5				=	Request.Form("COLOR_5_TxTrayLW")
	COLOR_6				=	Request.Form("COLOR_6_TxTrayThumb")
	COLOR_7				=	Request.Form("COLOR_7_TxTrayHW")
	COLOR_8				=	Request.Form("COLOR_8_TxTrayKT")
	Total 				=	Request.Form("editTotal")

	'Card Info Form
	PaymentMethods	 	= 	Request.Form("PaymentMethods")
	NameOnCard		    = 	Request.Form("PAYMENT_Name_On_Card")
	CCNumber 			=	Request.Form("CCNumber")
	CCExpiration		=	Request.Form("CCExpiration")
	'Billing Info Form
	BILLING_Name		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Name")
	BILLING_Company		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Company")
	BILLING_Address		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Address")
	BILLING_Address2	= 	Request.Form("BILLING_Address2")
	BILLING_City		=	Request.Form("BILLING_City")
	BILLING_County		=	Request.Form("BILLING_County")
	BILLING_State		=	Request.Form("BILLING_State")
	BILLING_Province	=	Request.Form("BILLING_Province")
	BILLING_Country		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Country")
	BILLING_Zip			=	Request.Form("BILLING_Zip")
	BILLING_Phone		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Phone")
	BILLING_Extension	=	Request.Form("BILLING_Extension")
	BILLING_Fax			=	Request.Form("BILLING_Fax")
	BILLING_Email		=	Request.Form("BILLING_Email")
	CheckSame			=	Request.Form("CheckSame")
	'Check to see if box is checked
	if  StrComp(CheckSame,Check,1)=0 then 
	CheckSame = "Yes" 
	CheckSame = "No" 
	End if 
	'Shipping Info Form
	SHIPPING_Name		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Name")
	SHIPPING_Company	=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Company")
	SHIPPING_Address	=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Address")
	SHIPPING_Address2	= 	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Address2")
	SHIPPING_City		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_City")
	SHIPPING_County		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_County")
	SHIPPING_State		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_State")
	SHIPPING_Province	=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Province")
	SHIPPING_Country	=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Country")
	SHIPPING_Zip		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Zip")
	SHIPPING_Phone		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Phone")
	SHIPPING_Extension	=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Extension")
	SHIPPING_Fax		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Fax")
	SHIPPING_Email		=	Request.Form("SHIPPING_Email")
'Output to User

	'Line Break For Reading Purposes
	Response.Write("---------------------------- <br />")
	'Card Info Output
	Response.Write("<b>Card Type:</b> " & PaymentMethods & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Name On Card:</b> " & NameOnCard & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Credit Card #:</b> " & CCNumber & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Expiration (MM/YY):</b> " & CCExpiration & "<br />")
	'Line Break For Reading Purposes
	Response.Write("---------------------------- <br />")
	'Billing Info Output
	Response.Write("<b>Name:</b> " & BILLING_Name & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Company:</b> " & BILLING_Company & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Address:</b> " & BILLING_Address & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Address (Cont):</b> " & BILLING_Address2 & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>City:</b> " & BILLING_City & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>County:</b> " & BILLING_County & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>State:</b> " & BILLING_State & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Province:</b> " & BILLING_Province & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Country:</b> " & BILLING_Country & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Zipcode:</b> " & BILLING_Zip & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Phone:</b> " & BILLING_Phone & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Extension:</b> " & BILLING_Extension & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Fax:</b> " & BILLING_Fax & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Email:</b> " & BILLING_Email & "<br />")
	'Line Break For Reading Purposes
	Response.Write("---------------------------- <br />")
	'If box is not checked 
	if StrComp(CheckSame,CheckValue,1)=0 then
	'Shipping Info Output
	Response.Write("<b>Name:</b> " & SHIPPING_Name & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Company:</b> " & SHIPPING_Company & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Address:</b> " & SHIPPING_Address & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Address (Cont):</b> " & SHIPPING_Address2 & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>City:</b> " & SHIPPING_City & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>County:</b> " & SHIPPING_County & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>State:</b> " & SHIPPING_State & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Province:</b> " & SHIPPING_Province & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Country:</b> " & SHIPPING_Country & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Zipcode:</b> " & SHIPPING_Zip & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Phone:</b> " & SHIPPING_Phone & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Extension:</b> " & SHIPPING_Extension & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Fax:</b> " & SHIPPING_Fax & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Email:</b> " & SHIPPING_Email & "<br />")
	Response.Write("<b>Shipping Same as Billing?</b> " & CheckSame & "<br />")
	End if
	'Line Break For Reading Purposes
	Response.Write("---------------------------- <br />")

	'Call findProduct Function (listed at bottom)
	call findproduct ()
	'Display Final Total
	Response.Write("<br /><b>Final Total:</b> " & Total)


'Looks to see if any product has a 
'quantitiy and then displays that product
function findProduct ()
	for i=0 to 9 
		if qtyArray(i) >= 1 then
			Response.Write("<br /><b>Product:</b> " & prodArray(i) & "<br />")
			Response.Write("<b>Quantity:</b> " & qtyArray(i) & "<br />" )
			Response.Write("<b>Color:</b> " & colorArray(i) & "<br />")
		end if
end function

I am using GoDaddy as the web server I'm not sure if that matters. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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