Hey whats up guys? I was using thenewboston tutorials on youtube and I am stuck. I was trying to connect to my database that i made.

//opens connection to mysql server
die('Not connected: ' . mysql_error()); 

//select database
die("Cant connect: " . mysql_error());

$query="UPDATE game SET email='hopethisworks' WHERE username='kybo13'";

Thanks for your help guys.

Start by changing the line if(!$db_selsected) -to- if(!$db_selected)

commented: Very helpful +1

Ok thank you for that mistake I missed. It still doesnt work though.

You have to be more explicit. "It still doesn't work" doesn't help much. I ran a modified version of your code as follows and it worked correctly:

//opens connection to mysql server
	die('Not connected: ' . mysql_error());

//select database
$db_selected = mysql_select_db("test",$dbc);
		die("Cant connect: " . mysql_error());

$query="UPDATE test_table SET field1='hopethisworks' WHERE id='00001'";

You may have a problem with your DB or the names / parms you are using for it.


AWESOME!! Thank you for helping me. This now works.

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