I will be needing to use PHP and MySQL to create a small application. But I need some help setting this up.

I need to create a database for my application. I went to mysql.com, but couldn't determine what application I needed for creating my database. What do I need to download? Also, it seemed that everything required a license.

I'd appreciate any help on getting started with this.

Well for development purposes I would download XAMPP, a simple and small application that turns your computer into a personal webserver. This way you can develop and do testing on a local server (which is much faster!). From here I would assume you know how to code in PHP (If not take a look at the W3Schools PHP Tutorial). If you would like to learn how to use MySQL, try the W3Schools MySQL Tutorial (For PHP and MySQL help, see this part of their PHP tutorial). From there you can start looking for a web host with MySQL and PHP. Buy a domain and then purchase an account with the host and you should be done! Good luck and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or post again on DaniWeb!

Hi FlashCreations,

I have downloaded and installed XAMPP. My main question is where do I create my tables? Is it within PHP as in the examples here?

I will be learning PHP from W3Schools and books. For web domain, I will be using the server space provided by my university.

Thanks for your reply.

First you will need to create a database. From the computer you installed XAMPP on navigate to this page: http://localhost/phpmyadmin Once there enter the username root and no password. Then submit. From the phpMyAdmin interface you can add databases and manage tables, rows, columns, and other settings. It is also suggested that you changed the root password so that only you can access phpMyAdmin or MySQL. And yes, you can use PHP to access MySQL and change and retrieve tables. W3Schools tutorials are (in my opinion) the best way to learn PHP and MySQL, so make sure to read their PHP article (this is how I started). Good Luck!

The best Package I love is WAMP. The only reason I use XAMPP in my USB stick is because WAMP isn't yet portable


I'd like to confirm a few things:

- I'm using a server provided by my University
- I will be using Dreamweaver
- XAMPP is installed

When I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin on my computer, I recieve an Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE" (see here).

W3Schools tutorials are (in my opinion) the best way to learn PHP and MySQL, so make sure to read their PHP article (this is how I started).

Yes, I will be doing that.


Well with that in mind, do you know if your university already has PHP and MySQL installed on their server. I would ask them because if so, then they would have to be the ones to talk to about configuring databases and such. Also note that XAMPP is for a Windows computer. The university servers might be running Linux (lots of servers do) so in that case you will need LAMPP. This might though interfere with the current university setup of servers (the error message that was produced shows that the server at least has Apache installed to handle the errors). I would verify with your university that their isn't already a pre-setup for you to use. Also just a check, make sure you access http://localhost/phpmyadmin from the server you installed XAMPP (or if its Linux, LAMPP) onto. If you wish to have access from other computers, you will have to find the IP address of the server (On the server go to a site like www.whatismyip.com). Write down this URL and then whenever you want to access this page you may navigate to the IP address you copied earlier address (should be a bunch of numbers and periods). Be warned though this might not work. Depending on server configuration they all might be routed through a central router and have the same IP address. In this case you would then probably have to change router settings to route a special port (Probably not 80, this is the default Web Port and is probably already in use) to the server with XAMPP/LAMPP. Anyway, hope this answers all your questions! Have fun learning PHP! :)


Just to clarify another point - I will be using Dreamweaver mostly from home and uploading files to the server via FTP.

I was told by the server admin that the server is using Windows Server 2003 running IIS 6 supporting ASP.NET and PHP. I have, however, emailed the sever staff and asked them if PHP and MySQL is installed on the server.

I have emailed another person regading setting up a MySQL account. I have created a test page on the univeristy server that works fine (see here)

This might though interfere with the current university setup of servers (the error message that was produced shows that the server at least has Apache installed to handle the errors). Also just a check, make sure you access http://localhost/phpmyadmin from the server you installed XAMPP (or if its Linux, LAMPP) onto.

That error message was on my personal computer and not on the university server. That is the error message I receive when going to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

When I installed XAMPP, I did not install Apache as I thought I did not need it. Should I have installed Apache? Also, I don't know if I have IIS set up? Are these two important?

I just want get my database created in MySQL so I can start using PHP.

I apologise for any confusion and appreciate your helpful replies.


XAMPP Installs everything. Don't choose what to install unless you are sure. Also XAMPP configures stuffs that would be weird for Newbie to do. So I would say uninstall it and re-install it as full package :)

I have uninstalled and reinstalled XAMPP 1.7.0 using the installer.

That error message was on my personal computer and not on the university server. That is the error message I receive when going to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

To clarify, if ISS 6 is installed then the error message was created by ISS because accessing localhost would be also the same as accessing the server. Besides XAMPP doesn't create those kind of errors. From what I read, you can uninstall XAMPP. The servers should have all the necessities. As for phpMyAdmin, you can download a copy for your server at www.phpmyadmin.net.

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