
I need to discuss some problems regarding handling of text boxes using php which are as follows:

  1. Can we set focus of a text box when an if condition is true in php?
  2. Can we disable a text box when an if condition is true in php? I need to disable and enable the text box based on some true and false conditions.


Answer is Yes to both the questions.

<form name='test' method='post'>
<input type='text' id='name' name='name'>
<input type='text' id='age' name='age'>
 $value = 1;
 if($value == 1) {
 	echo "<script>document.getElementById('age').focus();</script>";
 	echo "<script>document.getElementById('name').disabled=true;</script></script>";

Thanks for your reply. But if I dont want to use java script then how it can be possible?

Umm.. I am not sure actually! :-/

It's ok. Thanks for your time. The problem is resolved. It will be:

<input type="text" name="ch1" <? if( $_GET["e"] == 1) echo 'disabled';?> />

*Bangs head*You are right..
But what about focus() ?

I didnot searched it's solution yet.

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