
I have a site with 2 pages. The first page consists of a set of input fields where the data input by the users will end up in a db when the user clicks the submitt button, creating a new record.

As well as this on click the users is taken to page 2 and the VesselName (one of fields on page one) value is passed to the second page via the URL and then read into a field in the second page.

I need to display the new record's ID or Ref (as I have called it) of the new record created in page 1 based on the VesselName that passed on the URL in page 2



u can use sql query to retrieve that

string query="select rfid from table where vesselname="+request.querystring["vesselname"]


u can use sql query to retrieve that

string query="select rfid from table where vesselname="+request.querystring["vesselname"]

Thanks greeny I tried what you suggested and got the following error
Value of type 'System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection' cannot be converted to 'Integer'
Here is my code

<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load()
Dim r As Integer
if Request.QueryString("VesselName") is nothing then
VesselName.Text = "Blank Name" 'some default value
VesselName.Text = Request.QueryString("VesselName")'this works fine
r = "SELECT Ref FROM Returns WHERE VesselName="(request.querystring["VesselName"])""
Ref.Text = r
end if
End Sub


try like this

string vessel=request.querystring["VesselName"];

string strsql = "SELECT Ref FROM Returns WHERE VesselName='"+vessel+"";

for this code to work you need to connect to database
sqlconnection conn=new sqlconnection("u r database string");
sqlcommand cmd=new sqlcommand(strsql,conn);
int ref=(int)cmd.executescalar();
catch (Exception ex)
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