I am trying to make a proxy server for my house to connect to the internet through. I am trying to use phpproxy, but I have no background in php or anything like this other than a little html. Can anyone show me how to do this please?
slimjimmer 0 Light Poster
slimjimmer 0 Light Poster
By the way here is the code included in PHPProxy
# edit this
# set this to your client machine or proxy,
# comment it out if you don't want protection
$allow_ip = '';
# define this if you want PHPProxy not to connect
# directly, but use parent proxy instead
# $proxy_host = 'proxy.ml.lv';
# $proxy_port = 8080;
$proxy_host = '';
$proxy_port = 0;
# write debug info into server error_log
# $debug = 1;
$debug = 0;
# end of config
if (!empty($allow_ip) && $REMOTE_ADDR != $allow_ip)
function debug ($msg) {
global $debug;
if ($debug) error_log('phpproxy: '. $msg, 0);
$strip_header = 0;
$set_content_type = 0;
debug("GET request");
# just page with inputs
if (!isset($_GET['url'])) {
debug("show page");
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="url" size="70">
<input type="submit" name="get" value="Download">
<input type="submit" name="clickme" value="Get a link">
# url is hex encoded real url
} else {
debug("download by encoded url");
$url = pack("H*", $_GET['url']);
$strip_header = 1;
debug("decoded url: $url");
} else if ($REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST') {
debug("POST request");
# just proceed to download
if (isset($_POST['get'])) {
debug("download by POST'ed url");
$url = $_POST['url'];
$strip_header = 1;
$set_content_type = 1;
# create obfuscated link end exit
} else if (isset($_POST['clickme'])) {
debug("create hex encoded link");
$url = $_POST['url'];
list (, $hex) = unpack('H'. strlen($url)*2, $url);
$link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?url='. $hex;
#$name = substr(strrchr($url, "/"), 1);
<a href=<?php echo $link; ?>>Right-click me</a> and Save (Link) Target As <b><?php #echo $name; ?></b>
# regular request from client proxy
} else {
debug("request from client program");
$req = $_POST['req'];
} else {
debug("unknown request");
# create a request from url
if (isset($url)) {
debug("url is set");
$url_c = parse_url($url);
$req = "GET $url HTTP/1.1rn" .
'Host: ' . $url_c['host'] . ($url_c['port'] ? ':'. $url_c['port'] : '') .
"rnConnection: closernrn";
debug("req: $req");
# kill keep-alives in client request
} else {
debug('setting "connection: close" header');
$nlnl = strpos($req, "rnrn");
if (!$nlnl) $nlnl = strpos($req, "nn");
if (!$nlnl) { debug("can't find end of headers in request"); exit; }
$headers = substr($req, 0, $nlnl);
$headers = preg_replace('/^Keep-Alive:.*?(n|$)/ims', '', $headers, 1);
$headers = preg_replace('/^(Proxy-)?Connection:.*?(n|$)/ims', '', $headers, 1);
$headers .= "rn". (!empty($proxy_host) ? 'Proxy-' : '') .'Connection: close';
$req = $headers . substr($req, $nlnl);
debug("choose method");
if (empty($proxy_host)) {
$nl = strpos($req, "n");
$headl = substr($req, 0, $nl);
if(!preg_match('/(w+)s+(S+)(.*)/', $headl, $matches)) {
debug("parse req !preg_match()");
$url = parse_url($matches[2]);
$host = $url["host"];
$port = $url["port"] ? $url["port"] : 80;
$req = $matches[1] ." ".
($url["path"] ? $url["path"] : '/') .
($url["query"] ? "?". $url["query"] : '') .
$matches[3] . substr($req, $nl);
} else {
$host = $proxy_host;
$port = $proxy_port;
debug("host: $host; port: $port");;
$fp = fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp) {
debug("fsockopen failed: $errstr ($errno)");
print "HTTP/1.0 500 $errstr ($errno)rn";
print "Content-Type: text/htmlrnrn";
print "<html><body><b>error</b></body></html>n";
#socket_set_blocking($fp, 0);
#socket_set_timeout($fp, 5, 0);
debug("sending req: $req");
fwrite($fp, $req);
debug("before loop");
$headers_processed = 0;
$reponse = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$r = fread($fp, 2048);
#debug("in loop: $r");
if ($strip_header && !$headers_processed) {
#debug("in loop strip headers: $r");
debug("trying to find end of headers");
$response .= $r;
$nlnl = strpos($response, "rnrn"); $add = 4;
if (!$nlnl) { $nlnl = strpos($response, "nn"); $add = 2; }
if (!$nlnl) continue;
debug("end of headers found");
if ($set_content_type) {
debug("extracting content-type");
$headers = substr($response, 0, $nlnl);
debug("headers: $headers");
if (preg_match_all('/^(Content-.*?)(r?n|$)/ims', $headers, $matches)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); ++$i) {
$ct = $matches[1][$i];
debug("content-*: $ct");
print substr($response, $nlnl + $add);
$headers_processed = 1;
} else
print $r;
fclose ($fp);
debug("after loop");
digital-ether 399 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso Team Colleague
Looks like you just have to place that file on a web server. So if you have a web server, place the file in your web directory, and it should enable you to use it as a proxy.
samarudge 16 Posting Whiz
PHProxy is a program for accessing blocked internet sites from other places, it is not technical a proxy its just called PHProxy I.E. a proxy caches pages to speed them up, it can also block sites you don't want people to visit.
Try out http://3proxy.ru/
I have never used it but it has great reviews and is avaliable for Linux/UNIX and Windows
digital-ether 399 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso Team Colleague
PHProxy is a program for accessing blocked internet sites from other places, it is not technical a proxy its just called PHProxy I.E. a proxy caches pages to speed them up, it can also block sites you don't want people to visit.
Try out http://3proxy.ru/
I have never used it but it has great reviews and is avaliable for Linux/UNIX and Windows
If you don't want the hassle of setting up a proxy, probably the simplest is to use Google Language Translation as a http proxy.
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