Hello everyone!
I have a table with titles that have a link to delete the record.
Clicking on the link, redirects the user from (members.php) to a page (delete.php )where it says that the title is deleted and the user can click another link to return to the table. The problem is that the title is never deleted. Could anyone please tell me what's wrong with my code?
This is the table that redirects the user:
echo '<tr>'.
'<td>'.'<font size="2"><a href="edit.php?autoid="'.$row['autoid'].'">
edit</a></font>'.'</td>'.'<td>'.'<font size="2"><a href="delete.php?autoid="'.$row['autoid'].'" >delete</a></font>'.'</td>'.
And I've attached the delete.php file.
Thanks in advance!