hai, i have developed a website in ASP.NET it is working on my machine but it is not working on remote machine . I have configured IIS also and also created virtual dirtectory but if i browse for the website in my own machine with my URL consisting of my IP and and aspx page name then it shows as page cannot be found !!!

but for html pages its working but for aspx pages its not workin .

can any body say me wht may be the problem

Check your iis .net framework version.

Check your iis .net framework version.


iis .net framework version is 2.0.50727 , can u make it clear for me how version and my problem is related,am new to asp.net

Are you working on VS 2005?

Are you working on VS 2005?

am using VS 2008.
and one more thing is that in another pc it consist of both version of .net that 2. . . and 1. ... versions i had made that machine as my server and am able to acess my webpages from remote machine but problem is that that machine is not allowing to invoke that xls and winzip from remote machnie.

in my website i will have to create a xls sheet ,i have to unzip the folder uploaded by user but my server machine is not allowing the remote machine to do that.

i think there is some access restrictions ,how can i change it.


Did you debug the website or simply run the url in a browser.

i have debugged the code ....... its working fine in the local host.

in the local host if i debug and also if i execute directly it is runnig perfectly.but if i run using url in remote machine am not able to invoke winzip which am using for unzipping.


When you run in localhost the url may contain "http:\\localhost\default.aspx" like this

when you run this in another computer it doesnt contain the application so thats why it is returning error


When you run in localhost the url may contain "http:\\localhost\default.aspx" like this

when you run this in another computer it doesnt contain the application so thats why it is returning error


am not running wit the same url in the remote machine, i have created virtual directory and all and am able to access my web pages from remote machine using the url which consist of ip address of the server and virtual dir name and webpage name..........

my problem is..... see am using winzip for unzippin in my asp.net code bcoz in my code user will upload zipped file ok .i have peace of code wriotten for it and its working fine if i execute locally but i is not workin if i execute remotly.

i think u got my point url name every thing is fine .............. in remote machine am not using as local host

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