I made a small application with the help of PhpMaker(php,mysql). It is a kind of catalogue for a paper issued monthly. It stores data for the authors and the articles and the paper itself in pdf. It works fine except for uploading the pdf. Interestingly enough uploading works fine when it runs on localhost, but on the server "in action" it just wont upload. No error message. The two source code(on the server and the localhost) are identical. What should I check to make it work?

It might depend on the level of PHP and/or how you have PHPMaker configured. It seems that you would have a better chance of a resolution by using the PHPMaker forum and /or support.

Try adding this to the top of the your php files:

ini_set('file_uploads', 1);
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '8M');

Could be just that uploads are disabled in the php.ini file.

Make the uplaod folder writable..Change its security level to chmod 777

Make the uplaod folder writable..Change its security level to chmod 777

Forgot about that however, some servers do not allow chmod 777. Due to security reasons, they only allow something like 766 by memory. The reason why such security policies exist is so that from the servers point of view, not everybody is the owner of the server. Where as if it were allowed to have chmod 777 like most do then everybody is an administrator. That's what I've read about my web host.

I experienced the same problem but it was in windows server, the same code works perfectly in another linux server.

The problem was I was not having enough permission to make file upload. Also from this forum I learned that we cannot reset permission just like we do in linux based servers (chmod).

Later it was solved by contacting the administrator to get permission.

May be this could help you
click here to read my thread

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