I am a beginer of PHP and i want to make link management sys for a link page of a site.
i want to add,del,modify links with that system.but i dont know what i must do for that ,please any one tell me the steps.
I want to display links to the content of page.in link page there will be button that is hyper link with submit you link .after click on it i want to display a page that will consist link details,can anybody help me out please,

Thanks in advance

Sorry I don't quite understand what you are trying to acheive.

Is it similar to linkbuks and other sites like that?

Sorry I don't quite understand what you are trying to acheive.

Is it similar to linkbuks and other sites like that?

I think subirs77 is talking about making a cms (Content Management System) which is probably the hardest thing to make with php if you want to achieve the kind of things in the description of post #1. However, as a project I every so often add a few dozen lines to, I have been making my own social network cms and it is something like 1100 lines long when adding up all of the files. So I have to ask, do you think your prepared for the big one as I have done a few times before or do you think that you should get a better understanding of php first as you will need at least around 700 lines for a decent cms? I just ask because a cms isn't exactly a newbies challenge but am willing to help if you are prepared.

Just a few notes:
You can also download Content/Link Management Systems for free.
Just work out LMS - Link Management system lol -_-

Well if you do want to make an entire website just as detailed as the ya posted then first I shall explain the basic concept of viewing the pages. The easiest way to load a page from a mysql database is as follows:

/* Assuming link is 

mysql connections here */

$result=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `page`="'.mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['page']).'"');
$content=mysql_fetch_array($result); //retrieve page
echo $content['page']; //display page

So that will give you some idea on how to do it and if you don't like the ugly url then you can always use a .htaccess file to style it up providing the rewrite module is enabled.

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