Hi, I'm currently doing on a project, frankly speaking i'm new in javascript only know the basics. I'm not even sure whether this thread is suppose to be here or under html..

I'm suppose to create some codes that enable a html page to load to the next html page when the mouse move from left to right within a specific time and distance(positive X coordinate) and also the other way round (right to left) once i figured out this. I've got an example online and edited it. Please take a look at my codes.

<BODY onLoad="setTimeout('getMouseXY(e)', 3000)">

<form name="Show">
X : <input type="text" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
Y : <input type="text" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
deltaX : <input type="text" name="DeltaX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
deltaY : <input type="text" name="DeltaY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
PageUp : <input type="text" name="PageUp" value="0" size="4"><br/>


<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var deltaX=0;
var deltaY=0;
var oldX=0;
var oldY=0;
var pageUp=0;

var IE = document.all?true:false;
if (!IE) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)
	document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;
var tempX = 0;
var tempY = 0;
function getMouseXY(e) {
	if (IE) { // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
		tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
		tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
	else {  // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS
		tempX = e.pageX;
		tempY = e.pageY;
	if (tempX < 0){tempX = 0;}
	if (tempY < 0){tempY = 0;}
	document.Show.MouseX.value = tempX;
	document.Show.MouseY.value = tempY;
	if (oldX != tempX){
		deltaX = tempX - oldX;
		oldX = tempX;
	if (oldY != tempY){
		deltaY = tempY - oldY;
		oldY = tempY;
	document.Show.DeltaX.value = deltaX;
	document.Show.DeltaY.value = deltaY;
	if (deltaX>300){
		   window.location = "test01.html"// loads to next page
	document.Show.PageUp.value = pageUp;

    	return true;
// End -->


test01.html is just blank page created to make sure it loads. However i would like to load from test01 to another html page but no matter how i tried to edit the codes, there's errors. I cant possibly copying and pasting the exact codes to every page i want to load to right?

And is it possible to sortof increase mouse sentivity such that i can most probably load to the next page in first few tries of moving the mouse on the first page.
Is it common that when i launch the html on IE and Firefox somehow after showing the first page for maybe 1 second, it immediately jumped to 2nd page and i have to go back to 1st page to try out.

So sorry for asking so much from here. thanks in advance for any help(((:


There are a couple of things going on here:

a. <body onLoad="setTimeout('getMouseXY(e)', 3000)">
This is guaranteed to generate a javascript error 3 seconds after page load.
Solution: Delete the onload, it is not required.

b. On page load, (deltaX,deltaY) jump from (0,0) to (mouseX,mouseY). If the mouse is to the right of the screen, then deltaX is large and your "next-screen" condition is immediately met.
Solution: initialise oldX and oldY to null, then test for these nulls in function getMouseXY(e) such that oldX=tempX and oldY=tempY. This condition will be met only once when getMouseXY() is first called.

Despite fixing your onload artifact in (b) above, I think that mouse sensitivity is still an issue. You can work out a good threshold for your own computer but that will not necessarily be right for all computers. I can't immediately spot a solution but I have added another test field to show DeltaX(max) to assist in choosing a suitable value for mouse sensitivity (for my computer (slowish by today's standards), I found that 120 worked well but notice that you had coded 300).

Making the code available to all pages.
Solution: Move code to a separate file named eg. mouse_swipe.js . Then incorporate in the <head> of every page that needs it:

<script src="mouse_swipe.js"></script>

Each page then requires a minimum of Javascript directly of its own, just enough to initialise the "mouseSwipe" process and to specify the previous/next page's URLs (and possibly to specify mouse sensitivity).

Various other code improvements
Don't test for IE specifically. Instead, test for required objects before using them (eg document.captureEvents and event).
Apart from that, see comments in my light modification of your code below.

var tempX = 0;
var tempY = 0;
var oldX = null;
var oldY = null;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
var pageUp = 0;
var deltaXMax = 0;
var mouseSensitivity = null;
var nextPageURL;
var prevPageURL;

function mouseSwipe(prevPage, nextPage, s){
	nextPageURL = (!nextPage) ? '' : nextPage;
	prevPageURL = (!prevPage) ? '' : prevPage;
	mouseSensitivity = (!s) ? 300 : s;
	if(document.captureEvents) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); }
	document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;

function getMouseXY(e){
	if(event){ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
		tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
		tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
		if(oldX === null){ oldX = tempX; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads (Note trebble ===)
		if(oldY === null){ oldY = tempY; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads (Note trebble ===)
	else{ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS
		tempX = e.pageX;
		tempY = e.pageY;
	if(tempX < 0){tempX = 0;}
	if(tempY < 0){tempY = 0;}
	document.Show.MouseX.value = tempX;
	document.Show.MouseY.value = tempY;
	if(oldX != tempX){
		deltaX = tempX - oldX;
		oldX = tempX;
	if(oldY != tempY){
		deltaY = tempY - oldY;
		oldY = tempY;
	document.Show.DeltaX.value = deltaX;
	document.Show.DeltaY.value = deltaY;
	deltaXMax = Math.max(deltaX, deltaXMax);
	if(mouseSensitivity !== null){
		if(Math.abs(deltaX) > mouseSensitivity){
			if(deltaX > 0){
				if(nextPageURL != ''){ window.location = nextPageURL } //Loads to next page
			else if(deltaX < 0){
				if(prevPageURL != ''){ window.location = prevPageURL } //Loads to previous page
			deltaX = 0;
	document.Show.DeltaXMax.value = deltaXMax;
	document.Show.PageUp.value = pageUp;
    return true;

And the HTML file is as follows:

<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<title>Mouse_swipe Page Switching</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color:#9999cc; }

<script src="mouse_swipe.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
onload = function(){
//	mouseSwipe('', '', 120); // Use this line for mouse sensitivity testing with mouseSensitivity value of your choosing.
	mouseSwipe('', 'page02.html', 120); // Use this line for page-page-page testing and normal useage.

<h1>Page 1</h1>
<form name="Show">
	X : <input type="text" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	Y : <input type="text" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	deltaX : <input type="text" name="DeltaX" value="0" size="4">&nbsp;<input type="text" name="DeltaXMax" value="0" size="4">&nbsp;:&nbsp;max<br/>
	deltaY : <input type="text" name="DeltaY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	PageUp : <input type="text" name="PageUp" value="0" size="4"><br/>

You should also create a near identical page02.html with the following change:


body { background-color:#9999cc; }
mouseSwipe('', 'page02.html', 120);


body { background-color:#cc9999; }
mouseSwipe('page01.html', '', 120);

You should then be able to left-swipe right-swipe to go between pages 1 and 2.

Please let me know if it works for you.


Hi Airshow,
it works! thank you so so much!!!
I've tried out with the codes you given between 3 pages and i managed to load pages forward and backward. It works, though i cant really spot whether it really works when increasing the sensitivity but i've managed to forward and backward(:

However i have some enquires hoping you could help to answer. What is the deltaMax for? And if i would like page02.html to be a blank one, is there a way to do so with effect that it can still forward and backward? And the pageUp actually doesnt really work since when i swipe to next page the value remains 0. Sorry for troubling you and thanks(:



You had already written 90% of the code.

I'm glad it works for you now, and I'll try to answer your questions one at a time:

What is the deltaMax for?

deltaMax is calculated and displayed to help decide on a good value for mouseSensitivity .

When experimenting with the value of mouse sensitivity, you need to suppress page transitions, otherwise the new page shows its initial value, 0 (zero), as soon as it is displayed. The best way to suppress page transitions is to change the onload function in your experimental page to:

onload = function(){
	mouseSwipe('', '', 120);

Before deploying the code, you can comment out (or delete) all lines with deltaXMax in them, and similarly comment/delete the corresponding HTML element.

And if i would like page02.html to be a blank one, is there a way to do so with effect that it can still forward and backward?

Yes. The easiest(?) technique is to pass a fourth (boolean) parameter to mouseSwipe() and, when true , use it to cause the form to be hidden as follows:

function mouseSwipe(prevPage, nextPage, s, suppressForm){
	nextPageURL = (!nextPage) ? '' : nextPage;
	prevPageURL = (!prevPage) ? '' : prevPage;
	mouseSensitivity = (!s) ? 300 : s;
	document.Show.style.display = (!suppressForm) ? 'block' : 'none';
	if(document.captureEvents) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); }
	document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;

Thus, on page(s) you wish not to show all the calculated values, use the following form:

onload = function(){
	mouseSwipe('[I]prevPage.html[/I]', [I]nextPage.html[/I]', 120, true);

And the pageUp actually doesn't really work since when i swipe to next page the value remains 0.

It's working fine but you don't see it when a page transiton occurs! You will see pageUp change:

  • When page transitions are suppressed (see answer to q1) or
  • When you reach an "end-stop" (ie. when you swipe on a page, in a direction with no further pages).

Hope all this makes sense.


... and I just realised, I hadn't tested in Moz or Opera.

Try this - tested and tidied up:

var tempX = 0;
var tempY = 0;
var oldX = null;
var oldY = null;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
var pageUp = 0;
var deltaXMax = 0;
var mouseSensitivity = 300;//Default value
var nextPageURL = '';
var prevPageURL = '';

function mouseSwipe(prevPage, nextPage, s, suppressForm){
	nextPageURL = (!nextPage) ? '' : nextPage;
	prevPageURL = (!prevPage) ? '' : prevPage;
	mouseSensitivity = (!s) ? mouseSensitivity : s;
	document.Show.style.display = (!suppressForm) ? 'block' : 'none';
	document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;

function getMouseXY(e){
	if(e){ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS
		tempX = e.pageX;
		tempY = e.pageY;
	else{ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
		tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
		tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
	if(oldX === null){ oldX = tempX; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads (Note trebble ===)
	if(oldY === null){ oldY = tempY; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads (Note trebble ===)
	deltaX = tempX - oldX;
	deltaY = tempY - oldY;
	oldX = tempX;
	oldY = tempY;
	if(mouseSensitivity !== null && Math.abs(deltaX) > mouseSensitivity){
		switch(deltaX > 0){
			case true:
				if(nextPageURL != ''){ window.location = nextPageURL; } //Loads to next page
			case false:
				if(prevPageURL != ''){ window.location = prevPageURL; } //Loads to previous page
	document.Show.MouseX.value = tempX;
	document.Show.MouseY.value = tempY;
	document.Show.DeltaX.value = deltaX;
	document.Show.DeltaY.value = deltaY;
	document.Show.DeltaXMax.value = deltaXMax = Math.max(deltaX, deltaXMax);
	document.Show.PageUp.value = pageUp;
	return true;


Hi Airshow,
I've tried your modified codes and slightly modified a bit and yes it works. Thanks so much!

However now i have another prob and i'm not sure whether is it ok to ask in this thread.. but maybe i put it here and can you take a look and let me know whether is it ok to put under here?

I'm given a ppt of 7 slides and to convert each to a html page and to apply the forwarding and backward into each of them such that i can view the ppt slides. I've tried adding in the main codes such as onload = function() and the form which holds the values. However it doesn't work.. Is this the correct way?


Have you remembered to include the script tag for the mouse_swipe code in each of your 7 pages?

<script src="mouse_swipe.js"></script>

Also, now that it's working, you can omit the data fields from your "ppt" pages, and comment out (or delete) all the javascript statements that write to them. Another way would be to add an inline style to the form on each page, <form name="show" style="display:none;"> , hence no need to touch the the javascript.

Of course, you can keep the fields in view if you want but I think it might spoil the presentation.

Keep me posted with your progress.

I must get some shuteye now.


Oh yes, i did remembered to include the script tag for mouse_swipe.js
The powerpoint slides come with images and text. I saved them separately as an individual html for each page. Maybe i can let you take a look at the codes.

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=PowerPoint.Slide>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft PowerPoint 11">
<link rel=File-List href="page1_files/filelist.xml">
<link rel=Preview href="page1_files/preview.wmf">
<link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="page1_files/editdata.mso">
<title>Slide 1</title>
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
  <o:PresentationFormat>On-screen Show</o:PresentationFormat>
  <o:Company>Temasek Polytechnic</o:Company>
<link rel=Presentation-XML href="page1_files/pres.xml">
<meta name=Description content="5/7/2009">
<meta http-equiv=expires content=0>
<![if !ppt]>
<!--[if gte IE 5]>
<object id=MSOANIM classid="CLSID:A4639D2F-774E-11D3-A490-00C04F6843FB"
<script src="mouse_swipe.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">

onload = function(){
 	mouseSwipe('', 'page2.html', 120, true); // Use this line for page-page-page testing and normal useage.

	var ver = 0, appVer = navigator.appVersion, msie = appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " )
	var msieWin31 = (appVer.indexOf( "Windows 3.1" ) >= 0), isMac = (appVer.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0)
	if( msie >= 0 )
		ver = parseFloat( appVer.substring( msie+5, appVer.indexOf ( ";", msie ) ) )
		ver = parseInt( appVer )

	if( !isMac && ver >= 4 && msie >= 0 ) {
		window.location.replace( 'page1_files/slide0003.htm'+document.location.hash )




if( browserSupported )
	document.writeln('<div style="visibility:hidden">');


if( browserSupported )


<form name="Show">
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaX" value="0" size="4">&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="DeltaXMax" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="PageUp" value="0" size="4"><br/>


I've added this

onload = function(){
 	mouseSwipe('', 'page2.html', 120, true); // Use this line for page-page-page testing and normal useage.

and the form for the values.

<form name="Show">
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaX" value="0" size="4">&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="DeltaXMax" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="PageUp" value="0" size="4"><br/>

However, when i load the page, i can see the slide there but the swiping doesn't work. It's only when i delete the codes that's below onload = function() then it works but of course, it's a blank page, the imgs disappeared.

var ver = 0, appVer = navigator.appVersion, msie = appVer.indexOf( "MSIE " )
	var msieWin31 = (appVer.indexOf( "Windows 3.1" ) >= 0), isMac = (appVer.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0)
	if( msie >= 0 )
		ver = parseFloat( appVer.substring( msie+5, appVer.indexOf ( ";", msie ) ) )
		ver = parseInt( appVer )

	if( !isMac && ver >= 4 && msie >= 0 ) {
		window.location.replace( 'page1_files/slide0003.htm'+document.location.hash )


This is really confusing me, maybe i shouldn't directly convert the ppt to html..


The line that's messing things up is window.location.replace( 'page1_files/slide0003.htm'+document.location.hash ) .

This causes the window to be reloaded automatically with a different page - page1_files/slide0003.htm - which contrains the converted ppt material.

See if you can find that file and apply the swipe code ( <link> and onload(...) ) to it instead. And, presumably, six other files for the other six pages. I don't have Powerpoint on this computer otherwise I would be a able to experiment here.

See how it goes. If that fails, there may be a friendlier way of converting ppt to HTML.


I've found the file and input the codes i added into the previous one in. However it doesn't work. the codes seem different. there's alot of functions inside.

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=PowerPoint.Slide>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft PowerPoint 11">
<link id=Main-File rel=Main-File href="../page1.htm">
<link rel=Preview href=preview.wmf>
<!--[if !mso]>
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
p\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
v\:textbox {display:none;}
<meta name=Description content="5/8/2009">
<link rel=Stylesheet href="master15_stylesheet.css">
<!--[if gte IE 5]>
<object id=MSOANIM classid="CLSID:A4639D2F-774E-11D3-A490-00C04F6843FB"></object>
<object id=MSOTIME classid="CLSID:A4639D29-774E-11D3-A490-00C04F6843FB"></object>
<![if !ppt]>
<style media=print>
	{left:0px !important;
	width:6.0in !important;
	height:4.5in !important;
	font-size:103% !important;}
oa\:par,oa\:seq,oa\:iterate { BEHAVIOR:url(#MSOTIME) }
oa\:video,oa\:audio {BEHAVIOR:url(#MSOTIME) url(#MSOTIME#MEDIA) }

<script src="mouse_swipe.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">   

onload = function(){

	mouseSwipe('', '02.html', 120, true); 

function LoadSld()
	var sld=GetObj("SlideObj")
	if( !g_supportsPPTHTML ) {

	if( MakeNotesVis() ) return

	runAnimations = _InitAnimations();

	if( IsWin("PPTSld") )
	if( g_scaleHyperlinks )
	if( g_scaleInFrame||(IsWin("PPTSld") && parent.IsFullScrMode() ) )
	if( IsWin("PPTSld") && parent.IsFullScrMode() )


	if( runAnimations )
		if( document.all("NSPlay") )
			document.all("NSPlay").autoStart = false;

		if( sld.filters && sld.filters.revealtrans )
			setTimeout( "document.body.start()", sld.filters.revealtrans.duration * 1000 );

function MakeSldVis()
	var fTrans=g_showAnimation && SldHasTrans()
	if( fTrans )
		if( g_bgSound ) {
			pptSound.src=g_bgSound.substr( 0, idx );
			pptSound.loop= -(parseInt(g_bgSound.substr(idx+1)));
	if( fTrans )
function MakeNotesVis()
	if( !IsNts() ) return false
	nObj = document.all.item("NotesObj")
	if( nObj ) {
	return 1
function ChkAutoAdv()
function AutoAdv()
	if(!IsWin("PPTSld") || !gUseSldTimings )return
	var sld=GetCurSld()
	if( (sld.mAdvDelay>0) && !parent.IsFramesMode() )
function GetObj(id)
	if(g_supportsPPTHTML) return document.all(id);
	else return document.getElementById(id);
function SldHasTrans() { return SlideObj.style.filter != ""; }
function GetSldId()
	var regExp = /file:\/\/\//i
	var pos = location.href.search(regExp)
	if (MHTMLPrefix != "" && pos != -1)
		sId = location.href.substring(pos)
		sId = RemoveFilePrefixFromHref(location.href);
		var regExp = /\//
		var fixedHref = sId
		var pos = -1

		pos = fixedHref.search(regExp)
		while (pos != -1)
			fixedHref = fixedHref.replace(regExp, "\\")
			pos = fixedHref.search(regExp)

		if (g_fBaseHyperlink == true)
			sId = "file:///" + fixedHref;
			sId = fixedHref.substring(fixedHref.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1)

	return sId
function HideMenu() { if( frames["PPTSld"] && PPTSld.document.all.item("ctxtmenu") && PPTSld.ctxtmenu.style.display!="none" ) { PPTSld.ctxtmenu.style.display='none'; return true } return false }
function IsWin( name ) { return window.name == name }
function IsNts() { return IsWin("PPTNts") }
function IsSldOrNts() { return( IsWin("PPTSld")||IsWin("PPTNts") ) }
function SupportsPPTAnimation() { return( navigator.platform == "Win32" && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows")>0 ) }
function SupportsPPTHTML()
	var appVer=navigator.appVersion, msie=appVer.indexOf("MSIE "), ver=0
	if( msie >= 0 )
		ver=parseFloat( appVer.substring( msie+5, appVer.indexOf(";",msie) ) )

	return( ver >= 4 && msie >= 0 )
function _RSW()
	if( !g_supportsPPTHTML || IsNts() ||
	  ( !g_scaleInFrame && (!IsWin("PPTSld") || !parent.IsFullScrMode()) ) )

        var padding=0;
        if( IsWin("PPTSld") && parent.IsFramesMode() ) padding=6

	if( cltHeight < g_origH*factor )

	newSize = g_origSz * factor
	if( newSize < 1 ) newSize=1


	if( g_scaleHyperlinks )
		ScaleHyperlinks( factor )
function _InitAnimations()
	animRuntimeInstalled = ''+document.body.localTime != 'undefined';
	isFullScreen = (window.name == "PPTSld") && !parent.IsFramesMode();
	g_animUseRuntime = g_showAnimation && animRuntimeInstalled && !(isFullScreen && parent.IsSldVisited());
	if( g_animUseRuntime ) {
		collSeq = document.all.tags("seq");
		if( collSeq != null ) {
			for(ii=0;ii<collSeq.length;ii++) {
				if( collSeq[ii].getAttribute( "p:nodeType" ) == "mainSeq" ) {
					g_animMainSequence = collSeq[ii];

		if( g_animItemsToHide && document.body.playAnimations != false ) {
			for(jj = 0; jj < g_animItemsToHide.length; jj++) {
				if( hideObj = GetObj(g_animItemsToHide[jj]) )

		if( g_animInteractiveItems ){
			for(jj = 0; jj < g_animInteractiveItems.length; jj++) {
				if( triggerObj = GetObj(g_animInteractiveItems[jj]) )

		if( gUseSldTimings && ''+g_animSlideTime != 'undefined' ) {
			adjustedTime = document.body.calculateAutoAdvanceTimes( g_animSlideTime, g_animEffectTimings );
			if( IsWin("PPTSld") && adjustedTime != g_animSlideTime ) {
			   var sld = GetCurSld();
			   sld.mAdvDelay = adjustedTime * 1000;

	return g_animUseRuntime;

var g_supportsPPTHTML = SupportsPPTHTML(), g_scaleInFrame = 1, gId="", g_bgSound="",
    g_scaleHyperlinks = false, g_allowAdvOnClick = 1, g_showInBrowser = 0, gLoopCont = 1, gUseSldTimings = 1;
var g_showAnimation = g_supportsPPTHTML && SupportsPPTAnimation() && g_showInBrowser;
var g_animManager = null;
var g_animUseRuntime = false;
var g_animItemsToHide, g_animInteractiveItems, g_animSlideTime;
var g_animMainSequence = null;


g_animItemsToHide=new Array("TextBox_x0020_2_AllText","TextBox_x0020_2");
g_animEffectTimings=new Array();

//--></script><!--[if vml]><script>g_vml = 1;
</script><![endif]--><![endif]><p:slidetransition advancetime="3000" speed="1"
 effect="alphafade" flag="1024"/><o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">
 <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="3"/>

<body lang=EN-US style='margin:0px;background-color:white' onresize="_RSW()"
onload="LoadSld()" oa:clockstart="onstart">

<div id=SlideObj class=sld style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;
width:554px;height:415px;font-size:16px;background-color:white;clip:rect(0%, 101%, 101%, 0%);
visibility:hidden'><p:slide coordsize="720,540"
 <p:shaperange href="master15.xml#_x0000_s2049"/><![if !ppt]><p:shaperange
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 <div class=O style='position:absolute;top:94.21%;left:5.95%;width:21.48%;
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 height:32.11%'><span style='font-size:222%'>Diploma Units</span></div>

<p:animation number="1440137026"/><oa:par id="TimeNode0" dur="indefinite"
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<form name="Show"> 
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaX" value="0" size="4">&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="DeltaXMax" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="DeltaY" value="0" size="4"><br/>
	<input type="hidden" name="PageUp" value="0" size="4"><br/>



And this file is located in another folder so where do i place the js file? in the folder of this file?

hi airshow, just to let you know my progress. Basically i have decided not to use the conversion of ppt to html since there's too many problems and the project would most probably be reading from an img which is settled.

Right now, i have another prob. I tested this out on a device called mimio which replaces the computer mouse as a pen but however mimio works only when the pen(mouse) is clicked throughout the whole process. So right now since our codes are mousemove right, we cant achieve the forwarding actions and so unless it's click plus mousemove. As when we uses mimio and swipe(which basically now is click on) from left to right, it loads to the next page but when i want to go forward again, the pen will be placed at the left side again and this immediately triggered an action and it loads to prev page instead.

Is there anyway to counter this? so sry for the trouble.



I have no experience of Mimio but think I know what's going on there. I can get the same(?) effect with a normal mouse/screen.

The problem is that the code can see a large change in cursor position if it is moved out of window, then returned. Hence page transition can be triggered.

The solution (I hope it works with Mimio too) is to re-initialise oldX and oldY to null when left mouse is pressed, and to activate the swipe action only while the left button remains pressed.

Try this:

var oldX = null;
var oldY = null;
var pageUp = 0;
var deltaXMax = 0;
var mouseSensitivity = 300;//Default value
var nextPageURL = '';
var prevPageURL = '';
var swipeActive = false;

function mouseSwipe(prevPage, nextPage, s, suppressForm){
	nextPageURL = (!nextPage) ? '' : nextPage;
	prevPageURL = (!prevPage) ? '' : prevPage;
	mouseSensitivity = (!s) ? mouseSensitivity : s;
	document.Show.style.display = (!suppressForm) ? 'block' : 'none';
	document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;
	document.onmousedown = function(e){
		e = e || event;
			swipeActive = (e.button == 1);//left pressed
			oldX = null;
			oldY = null;
		return false;
	document.onmouseup = function(e){
		e = e || event;
			if(e.button == 1){ swipeActive = false; }//left
		return true;
	document.oncontextmenu = function(){
		return false;

function getMouseXY(e){
	var tempX = 0, tempY = 0;
	if(!swipeActive) {return true;}
	if(e){ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is NS/Mozilla/Opera etc.
		tempX = e.pageX;
		tempY = e.pageY;
	else if(event && event.clientX){ // grab the x-y pos.s if browser is IE
		tempX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
		tempY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
	else { return true; }
	if(oldX === null){ oldX = tempX; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads and when re-clicking mouse button (Note trebble ===)
	if(oldY === null){ oldY = tempY; }//Suppress initial jump when page loads and when re-clicking mouse button (Note trebble ===)
	var deltaX = tempX - oldX;
	var deltaY = tempY - oldY;
	oldX = tempX;
	oldY = tempY;
	if(mouseSensitivity !== null && Math.abs(deltaX) > mouseSensitivity){
		switch(deltaX > 0){
			case true:
				if(nextPageURL != ''){ window.location = nextPageURL; } //Loads next page
			case false:
				if(prevPageURL != ''){ window.location = prevPageURL; } //Loads previous page
		document.Show.MouseX.value = tempX;
		document.Show.MouseY.value = tempY;
		document.Show.DeltaX.value = deltaX;
		document.Show.DeltaY.value = deltaY;
		document.Show.DeltaXMax.value = deltaXMax = Math.max(deltaX, deltaXMax);
		document.Show.PageUp.value = pageUp;
	return true;

You may need to adjust mouse sensitivity for Mimio too. Unfortunately I think there is no way to automatically detect Mimio in Javascript, therefore such an adjustment would need to be hard coded. For demonstration purposes you could have different pages for Mimio (vs. standard mouse). You can do this with single-line code of the following form on your pages :

mouseSwipe('prevPage.html', 'nextPage.html', 120);//My preferred value for standard mouse/screen
mouseSwipe('prevPage.html', 'nextPage.html', 400);//Assuming higher value for Mimio


ok it works. Thanks alot for your help all along(:
Hopefully i wont encounter much prob anymore(:
Once again, than you very much Airshow!


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