<script type="text/javascript">

var flag=0;
  if(flag == 0)
       alert("hi from if");

    alert("hi from else");



 <input type="text" onchange="callf();">


what's wrong with this code ??
nothing happens when i type into the text box..

function callf(flag) <- this variable will need to be set somewhere unless you are declaring a global variable.

is test(); supposed to be a function? if so is it returning a value?

isn't flag a global variable here ??

The point I was trying to make was that the variable flag was used within the function callf. Therefore does it need to be a global variable?

Once passed that stage you have to use function callf() not just callf() to define what happens within the function

You also have a line test() if this is calling a separate function then that will have to be visible somewhere within the code or an include.

<script type="text/javascript">

var flag=0;
function callf()
  if(flag == 0)
       alert("hi from if");

    alert("hi from else");



 <input type="text" onchange="callf();">


This does work and the alert box does come up.

<script type="text/javascript">

var flag=1;
function callf()
  if(flag == 0)
       alert("hi from if");

    alert("hi from else");



 <input type="text" onchange="callf();">


even the call the "hi from if"
shouldn't it be "hi from else " ??

you are right that your code would indeed return 'hi from else' but in the test that I had done I had set the flag variable to 0;

but i was talking about the code i have posted...
what does it return for u ?

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