i have two forms, the edit and the add transaction form..

In the add transaction form, the user has to attatch a file
for which i use
<input type=file id="path" >
and the path is saved in the database..

now when the user edits the form, i cannot get the value from the database into the text field of path.... ( cannot display the path in the textbox)

so when the user submits the form after editing.. the "path empty" validation is called........
even if i find a way of not calling the validation function,
if the user submits the form....the path is posted empty...

any workarounds for this....

Assuming that the save of the path to the database has worked then the problem would lie in the display of the path value.

If you post the code of the edit form then I or someone else will be able to help spot the error.



<%if len(sessionNum)>0 then 
 if len(trim(rsData.Fields("ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH"))) <> 0 then 
addhttp= "http://"
tot = addhttp & serverip
str_httpPathProc= split(path,":") 
str_httpPathProc1= Replace(str_httpPathProc(1),"\","/") 
str_httpPath = str_httpPath & str_httpPathProc1 
 <td height="25" bgColor=#eeeeee class='cellDesc' width="35%"> Attach Approval From Customer<span id="color1">*</span> </td>
 <td bgColor=#eeeeee>
 <input type=file name="ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH"  class='cellData' maxlength="30" style="WIDTH: 302px; HEIGHT: 17px" size=45 title="Upload Customer Approval" tabIndex=10><font size="2"> <a href = "<%=str_httpPath%>" > <%=str_httpPath%> </a> </font> 				    
<%ELSE %> 
<td height="25" bgColor=#eeeeee class='cellDesc' width="35%"> Attach Approval From Customer<span id="color1">*</span> </td>
<td bgColor=#eeeeee>
<input type=file name="ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH" class='cellData' maxlength="30" style="WIDTH: 302px; HEIGHT: 17px" size=45 title="Upload Customer Approval" tabIndex=10><font size="2"> <%Response.write("<br><br>Uploaded File Path : " & "<a href="&rsData("ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH")& " > " & rsData("ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH") & "  </a>")%> </font> 
<% end if %>
<% else %>
<td height="25" bgColor=#eeeeee class='cellDesc' width="35%"> Attach Approval From Customer <span id="color1">*</span> </td>
<td bgColor=#eeeeee>
<input type=file name="ATTACH_APPROVAL_FROM_CUSTOMER_PATH"  class='cellData' maxlength="30" style="WIDTH: 302px; HEIGHT: 17px"  size=45 title="Upload Customer Approval" tabIndex=10>
<%END IF %>

this is what i am doing...
even if i try to set the "value" attribute , it shows nothing, its not suppose to for security reasons.........
any ideas !!!!!!!!

any one got any ideas ??

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