this is my CPP code which i want to convert to PHP
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
void print_combinations( std::string prefix, const int* arr, std::size_t N,
std::size_t start, std::size_t num_comb, bool first_time = true )
static std::set< std::string > prefixes ;
if( first_time ) prefixes.clear() ;
if( num_comb == 1 )
if( prefixes.insert(prefix).second )
for( std::size_t i = start ; i < N ; ++i )
std::cout << prefix << arr[i] << '\n' ;
std::string pref ;
for( std::size_t i = start ; i < N - num_comb + 1 ; ++i )
for( std::size_t j = i ; j < N - num_comb + 2 ; ++j )
std::ostringstream stm( prefix ) ;
stm << prefix << arr[j] << " + " ;
pref = stm.str() ;
print_combinations( pref, arr, N, j+1, num_comb-1, false ) ;
int main()
int arr[] = {9, 6, 3, 2} ;
enum { N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof( arr[0] ) } ;
for( int num_comb = 1 ; num_comb <= N ; ++num_comb )
print_combinations( "", arr, N, 0, num_comb ) ;
Please help me in solving my problem ?
how to do this??