One of the pages in my web application works fine when I start the application from that page, but has some problems if I start from another page, including the Default.aspx page. When I went to investigate the problem, I realized that, if I start the application on the Default page and navigate to the page in question, none of the events get fired--no page_load, no prerender, no databound on my dropdown controls, nothing, not even if I refresh the page...

AutoEventWireup is true--I checked that :)

(Edit:) I think it is actually hitting the events, but just not hitting my breakpoints, which is still an issue

Try to clean the project/website by deleting the binaries (in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files) then rebuild the application. uses "shadow copy" of binaries, so make sure everything is absolutely clean. maybe you'll also need to kill the framework process (aspnet_wp.dll or may have different name, look in the web).

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