I need to display the countdown clock in my bidding site.The same countdown needs to be displayed when any user visits the site.Help??
Thanks in advance

Does it need to change without the page refreshing or not?

This is then in the wrong section. You need to look for JavaScript.

PHP is server-side so it'd be useless for what you are trying to acheive.

I will have a look and see what I can come up with.

Does it need to change without the page refreshing or not?

Assuming that, without he would need AJAX? with PHP?

AJAX - He would have to pull the value on a constant basis using what paramter you reckon?

PHP - Just everytime refresh call the date() function in php.

Something like that sound right?

The countdown should go on even if you have not visited the site.The same countdown is displayed no matter anyone visits the site from anywhere

Or JS and it takes a timstamp and minuses 1 second from it every seccond :P Same basis just doesn't need to pass to the PHP document.

Yes but we still need you to answe how you are going to give a finish time???

Timestamp is the best option.

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