I have this feed of classifieds that I need to convert to an .xml doc. I explode each string into an array (separated by a "|"). Everything work just fine except the string cuts off if there are any line breaks in the 5th section and everything after the break is skipped over and I lose that information.
I've tried things like prep_replace & str_replace (looking for things like \n\r char(10) char(13) \t \0 \x0B), striptags, nl2br. I can't find these breaks and destroy them.
I'm attaching part of the text file that I'm using. I've had it open in Notepad and seen small squares where the breaks are, but that's the only place I've seen that. The first line in the text file is a complete string with no breaks and how the ideal feed would look, after that it hasn't been adjusted.
If anyone has come across anything like this before please lend me some aid.
Thank you.