I have a SQL Query build as a string but i cant seem to pass it into to the <cfquery>

But it does not work

any one can help me?

<cfif ISDEFINED ('member')>
FROM precontract ">  
<CFSET SQL_Coubr = 0 >
<cfif form.member neq  "">
	<cfif SQL_Coubr eq  0>
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " WHERE " >
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " OR " >  
	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " name LIKE '%#form.member#%' " >
    <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 1 >

<cfif form.Email neq  "">
	<cfif SQL_Coubr eq  0>
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " WHERE " >
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " OR " >  
	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " email LIKE '%#form.Email#%' " >
    <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 1 >

<cfif form.Phone neq  "">
	<cfif SQL_Coubr eq  0>
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " WHERE " >
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " OR " >  
	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " phone  LIKE '%#form.Phone#%' " >
    <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 1 >

<cfif form.ContractNumber neq  "">
	<cfif SQL_Coubr eq  0>
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " WHERE " >
    	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " OR " >  
	<CFSET SQL = SQL& " conID LIKE '%#form.ContractNumber#%' " >
    <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 1 >
<cfquery datasource="mssqlcf_modelprod" dbname="modelprod"  name="get_prememb">

You have <cfoutput>#SQL#</cfoutput>
but in the cfquery you only have SQL, try enclosing the #SQL#

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