In facebook or in some other websites,when adding a person as a friend,just after clicking the link(ADD AS FRIEND),it appears a small window with information of the person you want to add to ur friend list.
how can i do like this?
which language is used in that...up to now i have succeded to know little about HTML,CSS,PHP and using Mysql Database))))
i will appreciate any response.

Member Avatar for diafol

User info ('friend') will be kept in a database (mysql). php will be needed to extract that info. html is required to give the info some structure and css will make it look nice and lovely. So, in essence, you'll need all 4.

In addition, when clicking a 'friend to add', some programs will give you some info about them before you actually add them (like a confirmation) without reloading the page. This requires something called Ajax, which can be just a sprinkling of javascript over the top of some mysql/php/html/css. If you're just starting out, give the ajax a miss. Learning 4 markups/languages at once should be enough for anyone.

Javascript is a little more complicated (in my opinion) than pHp, although there are many similarities. It's also a pain in the proverbial to debug if inexperienced.

He means the lightbox that pops up. Search for either thickbox or lightbox, (This is a Javascript issue so take further posts over to that forum)

Thankx much for all ur contibutions,what i get here is like
i`m now supposed to Learn JAVASCRIPT.

Thankx much for all ur contibutions,what i get here is like
i`m now supposed to Learn JAVASCRIPT.

Yes, you're dealing with the web, you have to learn Javascript.


Member Avatar for diafol

He means the lightbox that pops up. Search for either thickbox or lightbox, (This is a Javascript issue so take further posts over to that forum)

I HATE Facebook and all that social networking twaddle, so I haven't seen it in action (I ain't got no friends!).

However, I've used a good few lightboxes in the past, but they do very with regard to how much js you need to know.

Here's a good roundup site:

You don't have to have an ajax-enabled lightbox for the functionality you're after. That should simplify the implementation.

With regard to learning JS, yes of course, if you're creating web sites, you'll need to learn it sooner or later, but in my view, creating solid, robust sites that don't cack up when you try to change a database value or look at something in a different browser should be your priority.

You could implement js frameworks to do all the heavy lifting (e.g. prototype with scriptaculous / mootools or jquery).

I HATE Facebook and all that social networking twaddle, so I haven't seen it in action (I ain't got no friends!).

I hate Facebook to. Mostly because the site itself is crap.
I mean, have you tried validating the markup? 14524 Errors, 1571 warning(s) But yea I would agree with you, that learning at least the basics of Javascript is kind of unavoidable if you plan on creating websites.

It was painful, trying to work with JavaScript in the past, but it's a lot better now... IE standard support is crawling it's way into the new millennium, so it's easier to create cross-browser compatible code (easier, not easy), and there are actually IDEs with JavaScript debugging capabilities!

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