hii Everybody Please help me to solve below problem i have been doing this for three days.

Warning: main(includes/languages/.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\www\cool\includes\application_top.php

Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Sorry but i did not get that what is actualy error?
pleas explain briefly.


Warning: main(includes/languages/.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\www\cool\includes\application_top.php

Actually i have installed Apache/2.0.52 (Win32) and i am facing this problem
i already changed some settings i think languages path is not correct or i have left some settings related to apache

oh.. ok
so firsl of all you need to unistall this and
you can install xampp for windows b'cos it install php/apachi/mysql etc with one instalation
this you can download from this site

after download you can start/stop services from the xamp controll panel ok


The issue is that the include is include the file .php .

What is the line that you called the main/include function?

Yea. Looks like the includes are created dynamically, but the variable containing the file name is empty.

Either that or somebody created an empty include on purpose... which makes no sense.

Either way, seeing the code around the line that is causing this would be very helpful.

Check the contents of includes/filename.php for empty definitions.


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