Hi all
I am trying to retrieve a data from Oracle database and display it in the textboxes to be editable but with no luck, am getting a ORA error, missing right parenthesis, that sounds easy and I also thought, I put in the right parenthisis but still it is complaining with it and my guess is that it looking for theInsert keyword since I have the into keyword but instead it is finding select
Please see the below code and tell me what could be wrong or alternative way to do this
string lid = "";
string bid = "";
string mid = "";
string ldate = "";
string rdate = "";
string famount = "";
string fpaid = "";
string stringConn = "Data source=; user id=*********; Password=*************;";
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(stringConn);
string sql = "Select LoanID, BookID, MemberID, LoanDate, ReturnDate, FineAmount, FinePaid";
sql += " INTO('" + lid + "', '" + bid + "', '" + mid + "', '" + ldate + "', '" + rdate + "', '" + famount + "', '" + fpaid + "')";
sql += "From Loan Where loanID = " + "'" + lid + "'";
txtLoanID.Text = lid;
txtBookID.Text = bid;
txtMemberID.Text = mid;
txtLoanDate.Text = ldate;
txtReturnDate.Text = rdate;
txtFineAmount.Text = famount;
txtFinePaid.Text = fpaid;
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
int ok = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();